Ive seen a lot of crazy things asians think is a delicacy. After your third eels coming out of asshole videos Im inclinded to think their taste are fucked.
Today's Adam Carolla podcast is amazing. Is Lenny Dykstra the real life inspiration for Kenny Powers?
It's really not good. The smell is bad, the texture is lousy (it's slimy, kind of feels like raw chicken when you handle it), and the taste is not good enough to make up for the other two things. It's also expensive. Skip it unless you can get a free sample or something.
Yep had it in Vietnam and I had a mild allergic reaction to it. Its really not that great but its funny that its unofficially banned on all major Asia-based airlines because of the smell.
That's an understatement. The smell is horrid. When I was in Thailand all the hotels had signs posted that said "No Durian." I walked into one of my rooms and just about gagged, it turns out some previous tenant had left some durian in the mini fridge. As a side note, every Thai knows someone, who knows someone, who used to know a guy whose brother ate durian, drank a beer and died.
Quick question for all you office-types... I sent an email with the following text: If you were the recipient of that message, would you flip your shit? Because I just got my wrist slapped by Super Effective Boss for my tone. In his words, "[Name] is very sensitive. You can't say things like that to her."
Sensitive? It is at work right? Does she get special TP too? Ya know, because she's a sensitive little flower.
Actually, she was CC'ed on it. It went to the product manager and my boss as an FYI. Fun addendum. Apparently my boss knew the answer to the question well in advance and could totally have provided it, but didn't. So I came across as a cunt and she just lost her defensive mind. SUPER AMAZING DAY HERE AT WORK.
Has anyone ever told you, you have a way with people? I could totally see you being a good therapist. Maybe you could become a marriage counselor or work with at risk youth.
Oh, yeah, "do a full review" and "perhaps review internal procedures?" doesn't sound like you're pointing out [Name's] fuck up to your boss at all. However, ol' [Name] needs to start wearing her big girl pants to work, if she flipped her shit. At most, she should've thrown a "wtf, thanks for throwing me under the bus" at you and moved on.
Enh. She's a cunt, he's useless, I'm irritated and bloated, and I think the lunch that my boss bought me today had cyanide in it. I want to go home.
Someone is feeling guilty about something she did not do that she thinks she should have. Not your problem - at least it wasn't until your boss made it so. Here in the states, the regulatory law has been changed to call MSDS's just SDS's. Just in case you needed or wanted to know.
Yeah, I know. GHS. It's here too. We have until next June to implement it. I'd also like to thank your government for finally trying to get its chemical inventory situation under control. Frank R. Lautenberg Act FTW. Even though it took Rand Paul a few extra days to read it.