When I started drinking wine, I could only drink the whites, because I didn't know how to appreciate the reds. Learning to appreciate red wine is like learning to read. Before you do it, it all seems like stupid gibberish, and you can't imagine why people even bother. After you do it, it comes natural to you, and people that only drink white are like people that can only read picture books, or only use velcro shoes. Which is not to say that white wine is terrible and never to be enjoyed. It's honestly better for a hot summer evening, or a picnic. There are some really decent whites out there depending on if you like buttery, smoother Chardonnay, more citric, flowery stuff like Viogner, or garbage like Riesling. Or if you just want to get white-girl-wasted with White Zin (which is actually a rose) and Pinot Grigio.
I don't know why all the fuss about wine? Wine in the bag, in the bag in the box! In a red solo cup, over ice. Just kidding. Anybody like Camus? I used to really enjoy it, unfortunately, it appears that so did a lot of other people. Now that shit is expensive a fuck! You can't find a bottle for less than $60. It's turning into a yuppie wine now, at least in Florida, you go out to Bern's or one of the other nice steakhouses around here and the prices are out of sight. Anyways, looking for another good label that is cheap, or should I say, yet to be discovered. Any recommendations?
I was just there a couple months ago. It was very crowded, with lots of high school students touring the place... it definitely didn't seem like a lot of them appreciated the gravity of what they were seeing. They suggest not posing in any pictures at the start of the tour, but clearly in this girl's case it was an emergency.
Yeah, her narcissism got the better of her, absolutely in poor taste. But of course, the response and backlash outweighs the offense. Now she has thousands of people telling her she's a horrible person. It's ironic that the mob mentality and mass hatred for this girl kicked up over a picture she took, at the very symbol of mass hatred. Where do people find the time/energy to be offended by strangers on the internet?
I'm going to disagree slightly. If people were physically threatening her, then yes, I would agree that the backlash outweighs the offense. However, as far as I have read, no one is seriously advocating that type of response. Just as she's free to take such a picture, people are free to find it offensive. Do I personally find it offensive? Sure, I do. What I find offensive is the ignorance inherent in such a display. Ultimately, it is ignorance of the past that leads to its repetition. Am I suggesting SHE will do such a thing? Of course not, but my point is when people are completely ignorant of events (which frankly she must be to take such a thoughtless picture), it diminishes the impact of those events on future behavior. She's probably a nice enough person, but is deserving of non violent criticism. That's my take. Would I bother to tell her myself? Nope, other folks have said it, no need for a pile on.
It's definitely offensive, but I would characterize people telling her they're glad her father is dead or that their going to take a selfie on his grave as harassment rather than criticism. It's just an odd reaction of people that do jump on the bandwagon and burn the energy to give her a piece of their mind. I'm not excusing her behavior, it's pretty vapid and self-centered as most teenagers are, but the public response here is so the outraged can promulgate their own righteous indignation. It's also interesting this kind of mob response typically happens to women way more than men.
That's Outrage Culture for you. Somebody does something impulsively stupid or insensitive and they are punished one million fold like the Boston Marathon Halloween costume bimbo or Saugeen Stripper. People nuke others from orbit simply because they can: it makes them feel strong wikthout the worry of backlash. Question: is that a guided tour recording in her ear, or she actually listening to tunes in the most mournful place there is?
This girl is just some idiot bitch who had no appreciation of the magnitude of where she was. Similar to that of Bieber who went to Anne Frank's house and said that he hoped she would be a "Belieber". I think if she didn't have such a smile on her face, the outrage would be a lot less. She took a cheery selfie like she would at the fucking Heineken factory, but instead, it was at the worst concentration camp in holocaust. Bad judgment.
Bad judgement indeed. Distasteful and monumentally stupid as well. But still undeserved of an Internet lynch mob. Now the Vancouver rioters who were exposed? Fuck them in the ear. All their apologies and crocodile tears mean nothing to me, I'm glad people like that little pussy who tried to blow up a propane-fueled cop car fell into at least temporary ruination. They deserved it. Beating up people trying to protect their city, destroying and vandalizing property, looting, dragging people out of their cars to burn them.... Fuck you all. You deserved point-blank rubber bullets to your privates.
It's been really exacerbated though by her inability to realize she did something wrong. Instead of apologizing and deleting the tweet, it seems she left it up. Also her dumbshit friends were making comments wondering why people cared so much. The initial photo was indeed in bad taste, but it could be attributed to a lack of judgement. Her subsequent reaction shows a lack of self awareness that is staggering.
The thing to keep in mind people is time. As time goes on, all of these tragedies seem less and less, tragic. They're replaced by more and more recent tragedies which the younger generations are going to be more mindful of because the people talking about it and teaching it lived through them. The chances of her having family that lived during that time is extremely small. There is no one to give her context. The world doesn't look the same, or feel the same than we did learning it. This post is a ramble, but I hate the outrage culture at the same time she's a fucking kid. Teenagers have always been this stupid, now the technology just lets them do it publicly.
I see what you are saying, kinda. I can see a stupid teenager acting that way towards less significant historical atrocities. But there is no way she didn't know ahead of time where she was or why it was such a somber place. You don't travel all the way to that part of Poland without some sort of general understanding of why you are there. Its not a "cool" place to visit where a major accomplishment(unless you are Ballsack) happened. The whole purpose for going is to make sure it never happens again.
But being there should have given her context. It is of course very common to minimize what is just words in a history textbook, but most people gain a more deep understanding when on location and hearing stories from the tour guide or seeing artifacts. Of course, she could have still been oblivious when taking that pic. Others noted the earphone, so it is possible she was there with her family and spent the tour playing games on her iphone or whatever.