Raise your hand if the first nudie pic you ever saw was nailed to an outhouse wall, and your first porn movie was a black and white 8mm. Now, someone get me my cane, I've got to go empty my colostomy bag.
I had a couple of floppy disks with some pictures saved on them of various celebrity fakes and some random playboy pictures. That was it for me. When I first got the internet, I had a 28.8 modem and AOL was the coolest thing ever. My first search was "naked ladies". I could have never dreamed at that point what the world of internet porn would transform into. After the first American Pie movie came out, Shannon Elizabeth did a full nude spread in Playboy, which I got my dad to buy for me. This was my go to for a long time when I would fire off some knuckle children. Now? Playboy doesn't even make my dick move.
Closed networks and large institutions who couldn't be bullied by frivolous lawsuits. The heyday of piracy lawsuits was all about the low-hanging fruit. They pretty much would have had to prove the college played an active role. What crippled university piracy was the schools getting stingy with their network resources. My research lab regularly needed to move large data files and disk images, so we had some of the only access to BitTorrent on campus. It may or may not been abused. You haven't lived until you've downloaded something where both parties are wired directly into the internet backbone.
Anyone else remember blurry TV? I remember sitting there starring at the TV trying to make out boobs, I remember hearing the audio and that was like the greatest day ever. Then the internet came and I was a happy boy. Although hiding my search histories was a bit more difficult. I can't imagine what teenagers are doing now with their own Ipads and smart phones, if they're not stupid they'll never have to worry about that.
Oh... we're doing this now? Imagine waiting 20 minutes do download THIS: Spoiler Was there going to be boobs, or was it going to be a SFW or soft-core pic? You were at the mercy of 14.4 baud modems on green screens.
My circle referred to them as "The Squigglies". All you really needed was the woman screaming in ecstasy, then just shut your eyes and picture your former baby-sitter. I'm sure we all had the one, glorious moment when the porn channel unscrambled on its own. It was like every Christmas you ever had happening at the same time. A grabbed an 8-hour VHS tape and started recording like a motherfucker.
Re: Bzzzzzzt Cool, I'll go to Cap Hill (which is where the capitol of Colorado is) and barge in there and demand to see some sort of proceedings because of freedom of the press or something.
I'm pretty sure I talked about this here before. But, my sophomore year of college, one of my buddies had a program (pretty sure it was in Basic), that would allow you to enter certain criteria, and then it would draw your perfect breast from the side. You could change the sag, shape, perkiness factor and all sorts of things to generate a green screen parabola with a pseudo nipple. It was gloriously entertaining.
Without a doubt. This is how big of a nerd this dude was, too. I was a nerd. And, I could call him a nerd. He had the last laugh, though. After he finished his undergrad work, Dow Chemical hired him and paid him a signing bonus, and a full salary for two years, even though he was completing his master's degree. And, he still was getting his tuition, housing allowance, meals, books, and stipend paid through a scholarship. So, he moved out of the dorms, bought a Wave Runner and live on the lake off campus. Then, he went to work for them full time. I have no idea what he's doing now. Probably retired.
My mother has a pretty fucked-up worldview regarding sex. Last year she installed a content filter to keep her 55 year old husband from looking at porn. Last I've heard, he's now got one of those LTE modems and put a GPS tracker on her car so he can tell if she's almost home.
14.4? I popped my "looking at porn while dad was out" cherry on Fidonets in the late 80's. I needed to wait until Dad was away for a week on business so that I could finish a download on 2400 (that's 2.4bps kids, I once had a modem with an actual audio couple - you actually put your phone handset on the thing for line sync). I remember fondly getting out first 9600 baud modem and being super excited because it was SO fast and thinking about all the porn I could download.