If I were going to be there, I'd be hoping for sangria. I don't like tequila at all, and so margaritas are a nonstarter for me.
Well just wrote up my review of A Storm of Swords for 45 minutes in the Game of Throne threads, forgot to save it by copying it, hit post, since the season timed out it logged me back in and my whole write up disappeared. So I'll spoil the shit out of it for everyone: Spoiler The white walkers reanimate Joffery's corpse and he fucks Ayra, Sansa, and Dany to death with the knife dildo from Se7en. All the while Cersei is licking his asshole and masturbating after beheading Jon Snow. Milisandre pushes Davos off the wall and burns Stannis' daughter alive. The end.
Found out today that one of my co-workers I don't remember working with, while I was recovering from a brain tumor that was two millimeters away from killing me, has suffered from a brain lesion. Her doctors think it's either cancer (death) or MS (a very, very slow death)... She has a three year old son now who makes a habit of running to hug me each morning. It makes my day because I can still remember the time when she was struggling to get pregnant.. In south Texas we have some of the best neurosurgeons in the nation, but unfortunately, like all medical institutions (despite what the PR handouts tell you), your care is largely dictated by 1) how much money you have and 2) who you know. I know some of the biggest-name surgeons in the San Antonio medical area, but unfortunately, right now, I don't have the money to get them for her, and her son Joshua. (I have a 7-week-old son, and there's only so much I can do.) If willing, I will match every dollar up to $500 that this board can generate. (Since I don't know paypal and all that, I'll send you a pic of my hand-written receipt)
No, MS is not a "death sentence," at least not in the typical, immediate sense. But it drastically affects quality of life, in a slowly depressing way, which in turn increases suicide risk. I don't like seeing or hearing about people I know committing suicide; MS is a sore spot for me -- I've known two people who have killed themselves due to (short answer) the pain from it. I understand that, simply because something is predominant in my life, does not make it statistically predominate on the whole. Regarding 2 millimeters, I don't even know how to respond to that. My neurosurgeon had to cut it out with a scalpel under a microscope I saw which was the size of a small 70's-era band van. A simple sneeze from him could have killed me. A hiccup. A twitch. A thought about how Shegirl is a man.
I just remembered that happyfunball said she had new bikini pics but hasn't posted them yet (to my knowledge). I feel like this kind of peer pressure is acceptable, just saying...
See, now that I'm going to my sister's place next Saturday with a pool, I can go the more authentic route. Win/win!
I don't know anything about MS, so do you mean that people with MS die sooner than they would have without it, or is this one of those things where it's pointed out that everyone dies so we all have a death sentence sort of things?
With the balance of medications available to people with MS nowadays, it's not the death sentence it used to be. People are living full and normalish lives albeit with slight handicaps with mobility and sensation. And since it's autoimmune, everybody's MS different. Some are much worse than others. Some people are able ride a bike 100 miles. But it's not like terminal cancer.
You breathed oxygen today. 100% of O2 breathers die. O2 is a death sentence. Anyway, anyone want an original kuhjäger? I can't exactly hang it anywhere. Free shipping! First come first serve! Spoiler
MS is one of those things that used to be "In 5-10 years, you will be completely invalid and fed through a tube until you can't breathe anymore." Now the timeline is longer, albeit shorter than most lives and also pretty nasty toward the end. It's definitely not the death sentence it used to be.
Statistically those diagnosed with MS have a reduced lifespan, but so do those who smoke, eat red meat or masturbate excessively. As already mentioned, simply being born is a death sentence. From Wikipedia: The average life expectancy is 30 years from onset, which is 5 to 10 years lower than that of unaffected people. Almost 40% of people with MS reach the seventh decade of life. Nevertheless, two-thirds of the deaths are directly related to the consequences of the disease. Suicide is more common, while infections and other complications are especially dangerous for the more disabled. Although most people lose the ability to walk before death, 90% are capable of independent walking at 10 years from onset, and 75% at 15 years.
This from the person who told someone with MS that they should have the plug pulled. God you're a fuckbag.
Ok, in the interest of accuracy I have been informed that the person I was referring to has MD, not MS. So my apologies for that. You're still a fuckbag though.
Well this thread seems to be on the happy track... Maybe somebody on the thread can give somebody the bad news that a loved one has died and record a video so the board can watch...
Something relevant to the conversation. If I remember correctly one day on the old board hotwheelz's sister posted in the booby thread.