They need not be plied with a single Long Island ice tea. You just have to jingle your keys or make shadow puppets.
Speaking of 19 year olds, random question for you Canadians. Is there any sliding scale for side eye or stigma for an older dude, say mid 20s, dating or hooking up with a 19-20 year old given they can legally enter bars and drink? I just say that cause I notice here if you're post college by more than a year or two and you're "associating" with a girl under 21, there is shade thrown for a variety of reasons, not least of which is, "what do you do on the weekend unless she has a fake". If they are 21, people just kind of shrug. And I mean normal employed adults and at least semi-urban dwellers, not white trash where dudes in their 20s are still messing with high schoolers and shit, like some towns I knew kids from in college. Just something my friends and I used to talk about cause I always said my dating floor was 21 from about 23 till around 25, then girls in college got to be a bit much for anything more than fun.
Snow forecast down to 300m tonight which is low enough to settle on hills around the city. I've lived here 28 years and I think it's snowed twice, once in 1995 and once in 2011. The 2011 storm was enough for someone to make a wikipedia page despite being what Canadians call probably 'October'.
Yeah well, we drove all the way across the bay to shop around and have dinner. He was starving and we couldn't decide quickly on a restaurant so el husband pulled quickly into the nearest eatery: Wendy's. Next time we're planning our excursion a lot more carefully.
A few points relevant to the current conversation: I use a shock collar with my dog. It's a necessity. Dogs can pull 3 Times their weight which means my 90 lbs Akbash can have her way with the 220 lbs of me if she really wants. Throw in the determination of her breed and I'd be fucked without it. I don't hike normally. But as a youth in the Boy Scouts, one of my fondest memories was that of the high adventure trip to Philmont. I'm American, but I say if you can have fun with a 19 year old girl, fuck what people say and date her. Hell the closer I get to 30, the more I think that any guy who calls you out on it is probably just jealous. I've always been attracted to women 10+ years older than me (you know I'm talking about you Happyfunball). If I wasn't married I'd happily be cougar bait. If you're interested, why not go the other direction (in terms of age difference).
I'm with you on the younger women. Just don't date them. I find chicks under 25 to be completely intolerable for longer than 20 minutes.
I drove something like 15 miles one way today for a bag of Sonic ice and some popcorn chicken. #noragrets.
My best friend is almost 39 and his girlfriend is 23 and I've never heard ill will spoken of it. My guess is the general feeling up here is if they're old enough to drink, live on their own, risk their lives in the armed forces, etc. then shut up and just let people fuck if they want to.
When I was in Florida with the 3 - 15 year olds, we were killing time until I had to drop them off so we wanted to get something to eat. So I'm unfamiliar with the area but I wanted to do something local and not chain restaurant since we were in a different town. It did not go as planned. We ended up going to Burger King. What's even weirder? The two boys I had with me HAD NEVER BEEN THERE. All right! This was a special treat apparently. I'm 110 lbs., my dog is 50 lbs. She loves other dogs and I have to lean way the hell back if she sees one and wants to play. Man she's got power. I didn't, but um, thank you. You know my daughter, don't you?
I respect that. Also, I would imagine, in general, people on the other side of 30 just dont give as much of a fuck about petty shit like that. Ive seen in more with girls, half jealousy I'm sure, but the other half are my actual female friends who like to chalk up every dating trip up I have to not dating girls my age. My last gf was 24 with her own apt, a dog, a good paying job, looking to go back to grad school paid for by work, not some flaky immature new college grad but as soon as it went south, my good female friends were like "tsk tsk, thats what you get for dating young girls", meanwhile their late 20s friends are even more insecure, some bordering on desperate and wondering why single guys aren't into them when their favorite weekend activities are drinking bottles of white wine and watching Netflix or writing baking blogs. That's kind of my point. I had an asshole friend who loved demeaning certain categories of chicks as beneath him, a trait he got from his father who once told us waitresses or bartenders are fine for fucking, but not worthy of dating. Pretty sure he drunkenly fell down some bar steps a half hour later. But I digress. I meant "have fun" more like hang out, hook up, but it doesn't really get deeper. I have a former FWB that just turned 21 a few months ago. We started messing around when she just turned 20 and I was 26. She's a really bright girl, thoughtful and upbeat, very attractive, but there is just a disconnect. She's still in school, her "issues" are just night and day with mine, she just didn't push me in an emotional way that I needed. And its no disrespect to her, she's a hell of a lot more put together than I was at that age. The sweet spot for me once I turned 25-26 has always been a trailing 4 years or so younger.
Good point, some of my female friends on fb post about drinking wine on Wednesdays. They're single and in their late 20's not coincidentally. Nothing says sexy like talking about getting drunk on wine on a Wednesday while posting up cat memes.
So airbnb came out with a new logo and it isn't being well received. People are having fun with it and these are some of my favorites: There were some non-sexual ones, but let's face it, they aren't anywhere near as funny. I don't think they thought this all the way through.