It's died down on my feed, probably peaked a few years ago and Im guessing they had to move on to gainful employment. The rest are stay at home moms hocking Beach Body 21 day fixes. It's never surprising though given you can usually tell these people have next to zero common sense to begin with.
He should've shot him before he collided with his truck. I'm pretty sure that's legal in Texas. Obviously you weren't doing it right. You should've been waving your gun around frantically and screaming "I KNOW MY RIGHTS!" at the top of your lungs. Go practice this until it becomes second nature.
A colleague of mine, someone I really respect and confide in from time to time, got caught up in the DoTerra scheme. She's always on facebook pedaling this stuff, and while she's an articulate, beautiful, woman, I have a hard time not rolling my eyes when I see her post about this crap. I finally looked into what these essential oils are and apparently you put them in a vaporizer and they can cure cancer (or give them cancer forget which), take man to mars, or any other claims imaginable.
So this is ComicCon and my friend, not not the dude in the wonder woman costume... The guy in the chimp suit has an awesome photobomb
I was actually shocked how relaxed the cop was about it. He thanked me for letting him know and then said "yeah just as long as you don't decide to play around with it while I'm here it's fine." I had to go back inside my truck for my license (the gun was in the center console) and I even double checked to make sue if he wanted to take possession of it. Nope, not a care in the world. Even with a knife clearly visible right next to my wallet, and an (uponened) six pack the back seat. Either cops are just more relaxed around here, or I clearly just look like a pussy.
For real shits and giggles you should declare yourself a Constitutionalist. They fucking LOVE that. In other news, anyone watch Live PD? I'm a sucker for cops shows, whether it's the original Cops or any variation of Alaskan State Patrol or from the UK or Australia. I stumbled onto Live PD and am now addicted. They do a great job of editing live coverage (with some sprinkling of canned footage from earlier in the week), and capturing the live, in-the-moment action of the cops. I have to say it's riveting, and the coos they follow are pretty damn impressive, for the most part. Highly recommend it.
Any cop show I consider must see tv. It's like watching darwinism in action. And yeah, the sovereign citizen thing. I have some in laws who think they're that.... they did time in jail for not paying taxes. Something about them thinking "admiralty law" means they don't have to. Quite funny.
This vehicle was stopped because it was suspicious: Note the axe in the roof. Surprisingly the driver was drunk and/or on drugs and had no insurance.
I just appreciate that they stopped him at the county line. Apparently Wethersfield ain't having none of that shit.
Fucking. Lipsense. I have a client who sells it and she tried sneaking the whole "yeah my friend has to find a financial advisor because she got a raise and girl's making 10-15 THOUSAND a MONTH! It's crazy!" line in our conversation, hoping I'd ask how/why. Little does she know IDGAF, first of all, and second of all, I smell that bullshit miles away. And Lipsense is shitty.
It'd almost be better if she said she was selling cocaine. Cocaine isn't a scam, selling it will just land you in prison or get you killed, but its not a scam
Longwear lipstick isn't my friend - it's incredibly drying. And lipsense is full of alcohol. It blistered my lip. I'd rather do coke.
Between coke and essential oils, cocaine I imagine has a more immediate and tangible effect on a persons health. It seems like there's a history of pyramid schemes targeting women. There must be some psychology as to why women continue to be drawn to them
Between coke and essential oils, you have people who've done coke and people who haven't. Those who have, pick coke. Those who haven't, pick coke.