A dog will one day be 20lbs without being too fat to chase something. If your pet will never be twenty pounds without being too fat to do anything but waddle, it might be a cat, a fine pet for a woman. It might be a rodent, ferrets are enjoyed by many people who lack a sense if smell. But it's not a dog.
I don't understand why owners just tune out loud pets like shitty parents do with their equally shitty kids. Parrots are pretty birds and their appeal ends there to everyone but their weird rollerblading owner. All they do is squawk and shriek. Not quietly, but just shy of dragging nails across Hell's chalkboard. Who WANTS to deal with noise 24/7?
This is steam punk done right: Which has got me to thinking, there HAS to be steam punk dildos right? Why wouldn't there be? edit: yes, yes there is
Fuck y'all. I have a 7lb Yorkie and she is fucking awesome. She is completely trained in obedience, will tree cats & squirrels on command and will fetch anything that you toss to her. She is other dog and people friendly and is a vagina magnet. I also have a 65# yellow lab and she is equally awesome. Currently she is addicted to cheetos and will BEG for them.
I worked for a vet for 4 years and it was one of the best and worst experiences of my working life. Helping during surgery or physically helping birth a calf during a c-section was awesome. Playing with the sick animals or the animals that were there for a week or two was cool too. Watching a grown ass man cry like a baby at having to put his 15 year old dog down was awful. The vet I worked for was also an anatomy/physiology professor and he taught me more about animals than you could hope to learn in school.
and yet not how to tell the difference between a yorkie and a dog In all seriousness, yorkies are the most dog like cats/rodent with delusions of grandeur available. If you couldn't afford a second real dog, it's not an awful decision.
Has the dick measuring contest now become the dog measuring contest? I've met shitty little dogs and wonderful little dogs. I've met shitty big dogs and wonderful big dogs. I guarantee you if you have met a shitty dog, you've met an owner who doesn't know how to deal with their fucking dog.
I understand the sentiment but I disagree with it. Universally, Pekingese, Chihuahuas, etc tend to be a yappier, and more ready to latch on with those needle sharp teeth. I've never encountered a big dog who bites as readily as some small dogs do.
Officially now 10 days away from lucky #7 years away from the brain surgery that was supposed to kill me. And also 10 days away from 6 years with my wife. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry in joy. Though now with a 2-month-old at home, I may end up just playing with him to celebrate.
We lived next to a guy who owned a sweet, medium sized mutt of some kind, who used to be confined entirely to a ~10' diameter cage in the back yard. She was clearly desperate for attention and when he'd come out to feed her, she'd practically turn herself inside out trying to get him to touch her but he'd never so much as pat her head. Eventually she started barking a lot. Then she was gone from her cage for a couple days, and I thought he got rid of her. When she got back, she no longer barked and sometimes would throw her mouth open to bark, make an ugly choking sound and whimper... he had gotten her vocal cords cut. I must have called/wrote 15 times to various local agencies trying to get someone to pick her up but at the end of the day, he was feeding and watering her and she had a shelter so she wasn't being "mistreated."
We had a situation with one of our clients a couple of weeks ago. The walker showed up, and the dog was all cut up on his face. The owner is a doctor, and his apartment is utterly filthy. I don't mean just messy, I mean fucking gross. He didn't even want to continue the walks. His mother pays for the walks. We send a text to the doctor, letting him know that the dog is having issues in his apartment. Two days later, the walker shows up, the owner's mother is up from Florida apologizing for her son, and telling the walker how embarrassed she is by the son's behavior. The dog is fine now, but we're hoping the mom is going to take the dog back to Florida with her, because it would be way better for the dog. Our next step was to contact the appropriate agency here in Philly. I'm fortunate, my clients all are great and really care for their dogs. Are some of the dogs spoiled? Sure. But then again, so is mine, so I'm in no position to criticize.
Swimsuit Addition <Jack Bauer voice> Previously on TiB I think we have different definitions of what "win/win" means.
G'day m'lady You should PM Roxanne - I bet she would knock making a Steampunk Costume out of the park. Also, Rush's last album, Clockwork Angels, was a steampunk-themed concept album. The album art was well done, and the stage set and videos were terrific. They incorporated the look into Neil Peart's drum riser, Alex's amplifier cabinets and Geddy's back line. (There was also a tie-in novel written by Kevin J Anderson, as well as a Comic spinoff - I didn't think either of those were particularly good. The comic art was, but the writing not so much.)
Just a quick question - if I google "What the fuck is Steampunk" from my work computer, am I going to get in trouble? Like the last time Juice told me to google Lemon Party?
OH! Next week I'll be working an Anime convention in Baltimore. I'll do my best to take pics of the cosplay because WOW.
You could google pretty much anything with safe search off and get in trouble. If you're concerned, just go to etsy.com and search steampunk. Or click on my epbot link above - that blogger features a lot of steampunk stuff.