No idea how it's related. It's unfortunate. As soon as he lets me I'm taking him in though. Having an in-pain husband in the house is not awesome.
Going without at least a major medical policy is completely friggin' insane. If you want to chance that you won't chalk up a $300 office visit, or a $500 lab test or whatever, okay, I see it. I'd rather be covered but at least that's not life-ruining. The reason you absolutely need health insurance isn't for that, though. It's for when you trip down the stairs, break your leg, and rack up a new car's worth of medical bills and hospital stays, and have collection agents knocking on your door. Or, like my friend, get hit by a car while biking to work and end up with a hundred thousand dollars in hospital stays, surgery, rehab, medication, etc. I mean, people think you're gambling with a frustrating, thousand dollar bill that you have to put on a credit card. You're not. You might be gambling that you won't have to declare bankruptcy to get out from under your creditors, sell off assets and spend the next 7 years of your life paying 30% interest on a car if you can even find a loan. Insurance can be horrible, confusing and anger-inducing, but as someone who worked in a bankruptcy office, it sure beats the alternative.
Prescription medication and I don't have a very good history. If I remember correctly, your work involves something with the testing of drugs so I'm sure you know about side-effects as much as anyone. All those "possible side-effects" they list in really small print and read quickly on commercials, because one person during years of testing maybe had that reaction they think? Yeah, chances are good I'm that one person. I'd rather take something that was recommended by a doctor who has done work with the local NBA team, and risk it being a placebo.
Because there is not now and there never has been anything suspect about professional sports team docs. For that matter, what exactly are you saying? You have all kinds of bad reactions to any prescription medication, but something that was cooked up in some guy's bathtub and hasn't been studied rigourously enough to even find those rare, one-in-a-million side effects that you get are just fine and dandy as long as some quack who probably pays for getting to be an NBA's team doc recommends it? In brighter news, looks like Orlando Bloom has engaged in some humanitarian work: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -scuffle-i</a>
Stranger danger is ruining kids, when my kid gets old enough I am kicking them out of the house to go play, from 7 to 16 I was outside running around, came back before dark to eat. Bunch of introverted pale fat kids is all I see anymore, christ.
I told my friend on the phone yesterday "Mark my words, before my daughter graduates high school kids will be wearing helmets while playing soccer and basketball." Is everyone on earth a pedophile? And if there's pedophiles hanging around the park, sounds like the cops there aren't doing a bang-up job watching them because they're arresting parents for doing nothing wrong whatsoever. He's seven years old. I walked to school twice that far every day at that age, and the only person we didn't trust was the guy in the ice cream truck. However, keep coddling those Millenials. I'm sure a continent full of pussies is what everybody wants.
That's how my dad and his brothers grew up. After breakfast their mom threw them out of the house until dinner. Those guys had stories. Grew up in the depression when this town was around 10k population, so you had to make your own fun. Stealing park benches to use as extra seating in a car, siphoning the neighbor's gas, illegal discharge of firearms, trespassing on winter estates by the beach, being little pyros and burning down the barn on accident. Most of my friends shared video game stats, we never got into mischief until we were adults and found alcohol. I kind of agree that a 7 year old shouldn't be out alone these days. There are way too many weirdos in this state. Getting into teen years, let 'em be. But 7 is kind of young to riding a bike/run around through the streets where most drivers can't be fucked to put their phone down. The world may never have been Mayberry, but let's be realistic here. I also got a chuckle out of the cop indirectly blaming the mom for pedophiles lurking around parks. As if it's a family's job and not the police's to be vigilant on predators in public spaces for children.
Helmets. Something that puzzles me...little girls start playing t-ball at the same time little boys do, and they all (at least in Texas they did) wear the same helmet - baseball helmet with face mask. As the kids get older and move into coachpitch/kidpitch baseball/softball, the boys shed the face mask and the girls keep them on, I think into college. Why is that?
So you don't mess up your pretty little girlie-faces. The same reason why they widely ban full contact in women's hockey: morons in suits are afraid all women are fragile flower petals. Because it's 1949.
I like this explanation. I pointed this out to The Husband, and asked him about it, and once he noticed it he was pretty solidly against it...either everyone wears the face masks or no one does. It's just weird. That's all.
Don't fuck with the Jesus. Spoiler Tip: when you have a recliner in your bedroom, that's not your "Man Cave", it's your "Only Cave":
This is why I fear for humanity, I mean what the fuck? How are kids this dumb? What happened to education in this country? I work with a 21 year old "adult" who I would swear is functionally brain damaged, he thought Germany was south of Brazil for fucks sake. I turn 31 this year but fuck if I am not turning into Old Man Clemens.