Idiocracy... it's the documentary of our times. I think life is becoming too easy for too many people, and the minimum barrier to entry is too low. We're getting a ton of fucking retarded people entering the herd, and they're surviving because nothing is thinning them out. Too many airbags in vehicles, that kind of thing. Maybe these fucktards should use more gas and help with that. I can't help but think natural selection will start to thin the herd for us sometime soon, and I'm looking forward to that day.
Get rid of warning labels. That'll help. We need to stop protecting our weakest specimens. I read on Slate yesterday that the anti-vax extremists have also started denying the Vitamin K injection they give babies at birth to help them with blood clotting because it's "invasive and dangerous". Result? Babies dying of hemorrhagic disease. So maybe the idiots have taken it on themselves to thin their own herd.
We all know what can kill them off. Peanut butter: the deadliest, most hellish cataract of life ever to be unleashed on the fragile Millenials.
I don't think people are actually much dumber these days the internet just makes them more visible and allows them to interact with other fucktards. I am getting tired of the pedophile boogeyman, though. Hardly anyone gets molested by a stranger, but those stories are scary and everyone freaks out. Keeping your kid locked up at home is counterproductive, since that's where most molestation happens.
"Thanks Cody Gibbs for tattooing Quatto on my face. Hopefully my infant son never ages otherwise this might look silly." Where is a crippled Japanese nuclear reactor when you need one?
So this is a thing: Edit: who that's a big camel toe preventer picture. Spoiler®-Camel-Prevention-Remedy-Black/dp/B007TU18EQ edit:the fuck is up with the url linking?
Nice tat For the father or for the tattoo artist? I mean, the father is obviously dumber than a box of rocks. He'll die of a drug overdose or do something stupid to get himself killed before he puts too much of a strain on the welfare system. But, what about the guy doing the ink? Isn't there anywhere they draw the line? (no pun intended) Do they ever say, "hey man, are you sure about this? I mean, it extends onto your ear the way it's laid out." What do you think the chances are for the kid to grow up as a productive member of society? edit: I can't read.
One hump or two? I think your link didn't work because of the (R) in the link. "Hi, yes, do you also carry the Smooth Groove in vagina color?" Smooth Groove. Great name, but what's with the pattern? Also, comments on Amazon reviews:
So instead of a camel toe, pattern art for a wrought iron fence shows through. What's worse? I would love to see an asterisk at the bottom of the ad that says "*- for gross-looking women only, hotties need not apply."
Why, because the court and a jury of his peers said he was right and that Chris Kyle lied and defamed him? Let's get one thing clear. He didn't "sue a widow and take money from her and her kids" as most of the posts I've seen from friends in/around the teams seem to suggest. He sued the guy, and when the guy got murdered, the lawsuit transferred to his estate. And guess what? The widow isn't going to have to pay that $1.5-1.8M (I've seen the amount vary from report to report). Chris Kyle's publisher's insurance will be footing the bill, since the lawsuit was about a story they published and distributed.
I had an employee come up to me yesterday and ask, "How do I fill out the front of a letter"? This is a junior in college, over 22 years old. I stared at her for a full minute, thinking there was a punchline of a joke coming, but alas, none came.
Judd Hirsch in a taxi? Crap. I forgot to watch Sharknado 2 last night. Do you think they'll air it again?
Re: Judd Hirsch in a taxi? They'll air it until people stop asking, "Is that Billy Ray Cyrus? As a doctor?" Flying sharks I can believe. Billy Ray as a doctor is just too much.
Re: Judd Hirsch in a taxi? Did he not play a doctor on a show called"Doc" or something? It would fun to see his daughter get killed by a shark. Not in the movie, but in real life.