I could post the picture I snapchatted (is that the proper term?) last night of my sleeveless shirt and shorts pajamas but it still wouldn't hold a candle. Damn it, where is Popcorn? (I have a cat too, his name is Popcorn.)
Perhaps I'm just spoiled having my last two long term serious relationships where my partner was very much into their own time and space, but I don't think I could date someone seriously who got upset over not getting or needed a lot of day to day attention.
It's not that anyone needs constant attention. Or even a lot. It's just the close proximity over years. I like having 800 square ft of condo to myself for days at a time. If you're married to someone who actually likes you, this is rare to come by.
800sq.ft.? Dam I am not claustrophobic or anything but I don't think I could ever do a living space that small again even without kids.
The WDT has a theme where the TiBettes are posting pictures of their pussy - or pussies. Not that they share one pussy, although, that would be intriguing. And, challenging. Wait. What was I saying? Oh yeah - more than one posting their own. Whatever. Party on.
Remember this? http://legal.blog.ajc.com/2016/06/23/georgia-judge-loses-it-over-vulgar-courtroom-exchange/ Well, Adult Swim just posted a Rick and Morty version of the court transcript... and it's word for word correct. I fucking LOVE Rick and Morty.
800 sq ft? With another person? Oh shit. I couldn't do that. Nope, nope, nope. My ex and I had a 3500 sq ft house and sometimes that wasn't enough, I had to actually cross paths with her every now and then. By the end of the relationship we didn't like each other very much, a passing "Fuck off", "Fuck you" about once a week was the extent of our communication. EDIT: Just had my first beer in 2 weeks. Just a few more days until I get a day off.
Has anyone watched jeopardy at all lately? I've caught it on tv the last couple of days and I felt the questions were super easy. The reason I ask is because I've known a lot of the answers lately and I used to never know any of them. Have the questions gotten easier?
Was it celebrity Jeopardy? That's like being in Kindergarten with Einstein's brain. The only time I've ever struggled with Jeopardy is College Week. I suck at college week because I'm not up to date on pop culture and I think they ask harder questions because the material is fresher in students minds. I dunno. College week, I just sit there and stare blankly at the screen.
No it was normal jeopardy. Today, the final question at the end was a picture of "whistlers mother" and they had to say what the picture was. Some asshole yelled out Picasso. I was astounded.
Really? We learned about it in art class in my dinky school. Our art teacher was exceptional though and we had several slides we had to learn.
That is the replay of the Jeopardy of Champions. Questions are supposed to be harder than normal Jeopardy.