He may have broken his ass and possible fucked up his back from the landing but hey he's famous on youtube! I'm sure that made him feel way better when he was trying to use the bathroom and tearing up from the pain. Speaking on pain from ice, Minnesota winter will be interesting this year. Its been a long time since I've experienced a Midwestern winter. My buddy who's a meteorologist told me they're looking at a possible La Nina which may mean a tough winter. I pray that doesn't happen.
I like the Gin Blossoms. I think it is interesting that you can pretty easily tell which of the three guys wrote a given song.
The best thing that happened at the hospital was the lady in the EC next to us disciplining her child. She was watching a group of 5 kids ranging from 3 to 8 or 9. I think 2 of the boys were twins. Anyway, the oldest, a girl, was snatched up by the woman. They seemed to be playing nicely and I didn't catch what happened until.... *smack!* Don't you ever say the N word! I don't ever want to fucking catch you saying that racist ass word! *smacks face, smacks face* My mistake was looking over at the woman with a "daaaaaang BUSTED!" look on my face and making eye contact. I broke off eye contact quickly. I did not need that large, angry lady after me, too.
How is your sister doing? Sounds like that mom went old school on that girl. Good job on breaking eye contact, I imagine she may have wanted to smack you too.
She's fine now. She got relief from her spinal headache in about 10 minutes once they got around to doing a blood patch. We were there for over 5 hours, though, so that kinda sucked.
Great to hear, I became worried it might be something very serious. Spinal headaches can be suggestive of something really terrible.
I don't want to muddy up the WDT with depressing shit, but I'll at least explain this one. Spoiler: Spoiled for medical BS She had to have a spinal block for part of the procedure to remove the fetal demise on Thursday. If the hole is too big or doesn't heal fast enough, the spinal leakage can cause a depressurization in your brain, giving you headaches. Usually you may experience headaches of varying severity for a day or so after the procedure, but if the leak is bad enough, the depressurization can be debilitating, which hers were. And this is from someone who has suffered from extremely bad migraines her whole life. She was stuck at her house 40 minutes from us so we went and picked her up. I texted her to check up on her early Saturday and luckily I know how to read between the lines because she was in bad condition. I had to basically treat her like a child to get her to pack and get ready, because 1: her fatal flaw is that no matter how deep in shit she gets, she WILL NOT ASK FOR HELP, and 2: the headaches were so bad she was disoriented. She's at my parents house right now and my mom is taking care of the kids. She's back to herself now and her husband comes back tonight. All's well that ends well.
My wife had to work midnights this weekend. I was supposed to be cleaning the house while she rested. Instead I went to the movies and I'm now getting drunk at the bar at the whole foods (its next to the movie theater and has an excellent draft selection). I'm going to go home and make a 24oz Manhattan slushy and chill at the pool until she wakes up. Weekends are amazing.
It only helps if he's wearing a toga, a Kamikaze headband, waving a soup ladle and running around screaming "Gattica!"
The grill is fired up and the chips and guac is currently being devoured. My favorite beer is ice cold, too: Ranger Creek OPA, which is from right here in San Antonio. Turnpike Troubadours is currently playing on mix, what a great night. Gonna throw some sliced avocado over some chicken breasts and then trap it on with some cheese. Tastes so good fresh off the grill. Add in some roasted corn on the side, and what more could you want. There was a discussion a while back about people from Texas and their mentality about all things Texas. With a gorgeous night like this, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Texas Forever.
Fuck you. It's pissing down rain here right now. At least my shop is coming along nicely and I'm just in the finishing stages of getting it the exact way I want it... tomorrow I should be able to start in on my next big project. But yeah... garage door open, pissing down rain, watching F1 and UFC on the TV in the shop... I guess things could be worse... Tomorrow IS a holiday, though, last day of a nice 4-day weekend... so maybe I can tie one on tonight and not feel too guilty about it.