One of your relatives Nett? Toronto says stairs for park will cost $65K. Old guy says "Fuck that noise", builds stairs for $550. City gets all pissed off and won't let anyone use stairs.
Fuck no... my relatives would have built the fucking thing properly. $65k quote from the city is bullshit, but if you look at how that stairway is constructed (no stringers, posts on the boards, etc), it's a recipe for disaster. Probably better than the rocks that were there before, but now they have someone to sue.
I was thinking about how to actually build that properly, and it could be a bit tricky, because it's on an exposed side so you'd have to consider erosion, etc. I'd basically embed posts at the top and bottom and then have two stringers strung between them so that nothing was touching the ground except for those posts. But yeah... good idea, really shitty implementation. Not that it won't work just fine for a bit, but over a short period of time it will start to wear out and slip/break. Or, if I was the city, I'd just dig into the side of the exposed berm and then build a staircase out of retaining bricks... so it holds back the soil and acts as a staircase at the same time.
With a bonded contractor hiring union workers, Netts plan would probably cost 65,000 to a city in the US. It is expensive.
I think the guy's intention was just a small temporary fix, and a big "Fuck You" to those trying to gouge taxpayers. I like his intentions in both of those things, he was tired of people hurting themselves and nobody doing anything about it. but those stairs need stringers, concrete support, etc. They won't last long.
No, as Nett pointed out they are certainly not a permanent solution by any means....probably one Canadian winter and the ensuing run off would do them in. However, for $550 each year the city can replace them every year for the next 100 years and still come in $10K under budget. And give a homeless dude a job for a few hours. Win/Win.
Heh. Crazy is in a boggle. It seems the neighbor served him with a restraining order. "He can't do that! I did everything legal! I've never threatened him!" C'mon man, you're the lawyer and can't figure out that constant harassment since the day the guy moved in is most certainly grounds for a restraining order? A homeowner is allowed peaceful enjoyment of their property if they're not hurting anyone. Peaceful enjoyment does not include the neighbor pointing cameras in your front and back yards, putting up signs encouraging people to steal from you, calls to code and parking enforcement every two weeks or so and yelling matches in the front and back yards.
Thats kind of awesome, good on the neighbor. I'm sure they didn't want to do it, but sounds like the person had no choice. What are the details of the restraining order?
I'm sure everyone will be relieved to know that Dali's body was exhumed and it appears his mustache has survived!
Is this guy actually a legit lawyer? I'm imagining his law license to be similar to Frank Reynold's certificate stating that he does not have donkey brains. Or Jeff Winger's law degree from Colombia (the country not the university)
I know it's odd but it would be endless interesting to see pictures of this whole process. According to the last people who saw Lincoln's body the final time he was exhumed his trademark beard and eyebrows still remained. Turns out stylistic grooming choices far outlast our mortal coil.
I've been up since 2:30 this morning, that means according to my internal clock it's socially acceptable drinking time. Right?
Its noon on Friday right? Wait, you're the same time zone as me. So long as you don't have anything to do later, yea, you're good. But you know if you have to take a test, or perform surgery in the evening, it might be frowned upon.