It's not that complicated. It is a relatively simple game with branding that can take advantage of an established and nostalgic fanbase. Beyond that, it's just another Skinner Box app that people will probably tire of fairly shortly.
I just don't understand why normally "normal" people are going ape shit crazy for it. I was never into it way back when either.
I just talked to my wife who's visiting her hometown, Port Hope. She tells me they are filming Stephen King's "It" there right now. Ideal location for the story, it is a near-perfect "small town". They've already altered the entire core of the town into Derry: Note the marquee: Batman and Lethal Weapon 2. So I'm hoping it will be modernized that the adults are 80's kids.
It's my birthday today (39!! Jesus I'm old) and we spent a long weekend renting a cabin in North Tahoe. Weather was beautiful and the drinks were flowing. It did not suck.
I saw men hugging today and no one had died and it wasn't an intervention. This country has gone to hell
I have to undergo active shooter training at work. If it's as informative and helpful as all the other training I've attended, I'm sure they'll tell me to offer the shooter a hug or some other nonsense.
Wouldn't be surprised. Stephen King loves to modernize his stories, didn't he rewrite The Stand to update all the references to the 90's?
Just bring your own gun, and when they ask what you'd do, pull it out and say, "shoot back, you pussies". I'm sure you'll get bonus points.
Heard on the news this morning that apparently the Holocaust Museum in DC is a hot spot for Pokémon (for some reason) and officials at the museum are asking people to not be totally disrespectful asshats and run around the place looking for imaginary bullshit. How far up your own ass do you have to be to not realize that the fucking Holocaust Museum deserves a small degree of reverence? The answer, of course, is far enough to look out of your own mouth so you can see your phone to capture some anime cat thing.
Perhaps a few more of these fuckheads will wander into traffic for the better of mankind. Real life is not Thirteen Ghosts.
I'm banking on a massive lawsuit in the near future. Some dipshit is going to wander into traffic and get killed, and the family will blame the game and sue Nintendo.
Or, some dipshit thinks the game gives them the right to trespass on private property, they try to climb in an old lady's window, and they get shot and killed.
Aerosmith hasn't made an album in over two decades. Since then they made music video soundtracks. But FUCK they were great on drugs.
Pretty sure that's a satire site. One headline was "Trump responds to claims of anti-Semitism: 'I did Nazi that coming.'"
There were 4 people robbed at the University of Maryland Tuesday night, 3 of them were playing Pokeman.