That highlights my point perfectly. The couple in front of him are wearing WORKOUT CLOTHES. Because that's what faggots do. Seriously, that neckbeard post is one of the greatest internet fuck-ups of all time. It belongs in the Smithsonian.
I have two theories: Either the person is White Knighting and trying to form a bond with the chick in order to try and get a special connection, or the person is stroking the ego of the chick in the hopes that she'll keep going and post more. The chicks are posting to get a reaction, ergo, if there is no (or negative) reaction, then she'll stop posting. As long as it's not too creepy, the White Knight will feed that need, and if that need is fed, she'll keep going. Once she gets used to that feedback, and then it begins to go away, she'll usually up her game to try and get that feedback back, or feel crushed and delete all her past pics.
The end game is she becomes so enamored with you from your clever and witty compliment that she agrees to meet with you and you bang her duh. These guys are idiots, if they get a thank you from these women it makes their week.
I don't care if you're wearing a perfectly bespoke Saville Row suit, if youre using the phrase "qt 3.14", you deserve to be a virgin
Today I was hiking Torrey Pines and a group of young women were walking the opposite direction as me. As they were walking by I heard one of them say, "...and in two weeks I'll be an adult!". Never mind the obvious she isn't an adult in two weeks, she's still a kid for a long time, it was funny because she was wearing a bikini top and short jean shorts, she may have very well be considered jailbait by some. That statement stopped my mind in its tracks. It made me start thinking, the older you get, the harder it is for my mind to go to the beach because as I get older everyone looks younger and I'm not quite sure if I'm looking at a college junior or a high school junior. Its kind of a mind fuck.
These are the guys who complain about the friendzone. The one they allow themselves to be placed into because they are too spineless and vagina-like to actually express themselves. They think that being super nice is enough to get women to see how great they are. Even though they don't actually respect them.
That dude is the Australian surfer party kid with more sense and thoughtfulness. I would have never respected a chunky redneck in a sleeveless shirt to have such logical and well thought out answers...
That kid is the Tits. Total honesty. THANK YOU. That's a kid born to be a great leader of the people.
One time on Facebook a friend of mine changed his profile picture to one of himself and he did something with the exposure and he was blue. So as a joke I typed "you blue yourself". Which anyone that watched Arrested Development gets the joke. Except I accidentally spelled it blew. And he's gay. And he's never seen Arrested Development. He was probably wondering where I was going with that. I tried to recover with a "I meant blue". And then another post of "or did I?" But I hate it when a joke gets ruined. Stupid auto correct. Or I may have been drunk. One of those. All this Facebook/social media talk made me think of that. And stop with fucking Throwback Thursdays!! Every damn week. Seriously if you post something every week, it kind of loses its meaning. Oh, and if your kids are 8, posting a picture of when they were 6 isn't really a throwback. Our power went out. Damn it.
I would dare consider myself honourary auxiliary: "Sir, my partner and I both witnessed you eating a mayo with roast beef on white. Right here, in your car."
I believe you refer to a different class of men with this quote than the neck beards everyone else is talking about. I have some ghetto ass friends and I think there is a high likely hood the girl that post the booty selfies for this class of gentleman might just give it up if they ran into the guys in real life. Hell the girls I know, it usually ends up being the dude they are banging at the time making all the comments.
Sir we have a report of a 327 - Ketchup on Turkey. We're going to need to see your license and swab your taste buds to see if it's genetics or just a poor upbringing.
So Chris Pratt was doing an interview the other day and did an Eminem rap to Forgot about Dre. Some guy put it to music: It's amazing how his looks have changed since he lost weight. People say he is the male version of Jennifer Lawrence. I can see that.
That party kid is a legend and a hero. When he brought up the points about the parents I died laughing. He's dead fucking on.
Naw, I like Jennifer Lawrence, but I'm convinced more and more that alot of her schtick is put on. Chris Pratt is just a goon. He and Anna Faris have to have the most bizarre conversations. Jennifer Lawrence would be a better comparison if she got to looking like Rebel Wilson despite having her leading lady looks when in shape, but fuck it. That's what is so amusing to me about Chris Pratt when he gets ripped up for these roles, and then immediately goes back.