I've only seen Chris Pratt in Parks and Rec. Andy was annoying back in the 1st and maybe 2nd season when he was still hung up on Ann and basically just acting like a bum. But when he and April started hanging out together and he eased into just being a big ole goof, I liked him a lot better. His weight loss didn't make him more attractive to me, per se, he's a likeable dude no matter what. I'll be seeing GotG tomorrow, so I guess I'll see what I think of him in a non-goof role. ETA: Medicinal Bologna WBAGNFARB
Bologna... my most hated of 'meat products'. For the life of me, I cannot understand how anyone can not just forcefully stomach it, but actually seek it out and consider it a delicacy. And if you're a person who eats bologna and mayonnaise sandwiches, you clearly belong in a mental institution.
My brother dated a girl for a few years who ate the same lunch every day - crunchy peanut butter and miracle whip on Wonder bread. I'm so glad they broke up.
Every so often I will buy a small pack of beef bologna for this very kind of sandwich as a sort of nostalgia thing. I also like cheese and mayo sandwiches for the same reason. So I guess that means they're coming to take me away haha, they're coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha ha!
I don't what what bologna is, but it isn't food. It's as if they liquified spent fuel rods, fused its molecules with Spam and turned it into a mysterious cross-section loaf composed of such dark evil that it could give cancer to a robot.
I've always figured they take a bunch of various dead animals, throw them into a vat and chemically digest them into a paste, which is then formed into bologna.
I'm going to assume none of y'all have ever seen this then. Makes bologna look like filet. Spoiler for size. Spoiler
This also exists. Just because there are things worse than bologna out there, doesn't make it food. Edit: Its headcheese.
Mayo is horrible and people who enjoy it should be put on some kind of national registry. However, I do have a certain amount of nostalgia for a bologna and American cheese sandwich - it tastes like brown bag lunches and juice boxes.
Oh god, please stop with the 'meat product' pictures, lunch is an hour away and my stomach is rolling. At this point it's going to be salad, any more and it'll be nothing at all.
Quoted for emphasis. Mayo is disgusting spooge that I really can't tolerate no matter how small the amount. When I see people put big globs of it on a sandwich it makes me more sick to my stomach than Juice's hidden meatspin links.
SPAM is fucking good, it's even better smoked over some hardwood for awhile, you people have no class. Also if any of you are ever in my neck of the woods you should also try some Livermush or Liver pudding depending on your tastes. This stuff is also amazing.