This system I'm working on was designed by morons. I'm currently working on updating rows in a table with a7-column key. No wonder the fucking thing breaks twice a day.
Upon further inspection, my lake is just south of Slim Jim Lake and Eager Lake. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Ooo. I am just a few hours north of Shmoo Lake, though. That's pretty cool.
A Facebook friend took a quiz "This quiz will blow the minds of 98% of you! The remaining 2% are exceptional!!!11eleven." Upon taking the quiz, she posted 'I'm part of the 2%!" and received 4 comments from friends and family saying "me too!" A real life friend and I were discussing the unfortunate prevalence of such idiocy, and decided there's a drinking game in the making here. We're trying to determine an appropriate alcohol consumption per stupid post/comment ratio that will get us hammered without killing us.
This is mildly cute, until he gets to the back row. Then it is completely adorable how gingerly he pokes at them - like you wonder if he somehow understood that he might smoosh them and it would make a mess that is harder to eat. Spoiler
Can we talk about this? Where is it from? What's it about? Does she have a corkscrew dildo in? Is it built into her panties? Is the implication she's so tight she can suck a cork out? I have so many questions.
I don't know. But, even though I don't speak this language, the squeaky cork noises when she walks away makes it even better. ETA: Knallerfrauen is a German sketch comedy starring Martina Hill. (The YouTube clip title is "A Talented Waitress" in French.)
Today is office birthday day. I got a free lunch which consisted of smoked salmon chowder and half of a crab & artichoke sandwich along with two raspberry lemon drops. It's not even my birthday. Hashbrown* Winning. *Yes I am an insurance. No, not for Geico but I fucking love that stupid commercial.
Saw one of the most blatant drug deals of my life today. Very busy gas station at a major intersection near my apartment. I was vaccumming my car when a late model, black 7 series rolls up, stops at a pump and chills. I walk nearby to through some trash away and notice 3 intimidating looking gentlemen looking like they are part of Chief Keef's crew sitting inside. I think nothing of it, except the driver flat out glares at me for a full 30 seconds as I walk past each time. Get back to my car, a Hyundai SUV pulls next to me, a mid 30s dude in a flannel shirt and New Balances gets out, motions to the BMW and then walks over and gets in. The car pulls towards the intersection, and as its about to turn, dude pops back out, looks around 2-3 times, briskly walks to his car, gets in and drives away. It would have been funny if the dudes didn't shiver me out. Knowing the culture around that business in this city right now makes it more than just simple myopic fear. eg: dude getting shot in the head mid-afternoon on a bridge in the heart of downtown last summer. Unrelated, not to get all Nitwit, but the first note in this chorus just gives me the good shivers every time. Glad she's getting some shine after writing everyone's hits for the last 5 years and providing faceless hooks to other people's records.
Great song. The thing I want to tell drug dealers when you see them blatantly making a deal isn't 'Stop dealing drugs" but "Jesus, dude! Use a little discretion and people wouldn't be staring!"..then there's no need for threats and more importantly no need for a heat-score. Discretion isn't hard. "Not in broad daylight in public" is one you should know simply by being alive.
Last time I was at my bank, I rolled through a drive-up ATM on my bike and in the lane next to me three college aged guys were openly discussing a deal. Handing over cash and talking about who was getting how much molly and so on. I couldn't help but laugh as I rode away, like you couldn't go for a walk? No, obviously in front of the ATMs at Wells Fargo at 5 pm, right off a busy street with the police department a block away is much better. Idiots.
This shit right here is fucking good, aged in oak, give it a shot. Busch heavy is all I have in the fridge now, bit of a change from the above but so it goes.