Don't eat dead bats and you'll be fine. Ebola is so much worse because of the third world practices like eating road kill, lying to aid workers and praying away AIDS.
I once had a new landlord tell me how excited he was to have me because my previous landlord told him I hadn't bounced a single rent check in the year I lived there. I can understand not having the money, but what sort of adult writes a check that large if it's going to bounce? A big thing to keep in mind is how difficult it can be to evict a tenant most of the time. It probably isn't that your friend's landlord doesn't care, he just knows that there isn't a whole lot he can do about it and getting confrontational doesn't gain him much of anything. Or maybe there's a clause in the lease where late fees are due at the end of the lease. The sort of people who fall two months behind on the rent also tend to be the sort of people who don't read contracts very well. Either way, he probably won't get his security deposit back.
Are you really going to make me spell this one out? The CDC workers possibly got infected with Anthrax at a facility which houses viruses that can wipe out entire populations . It isn't a huge leap to suggest something like this can also get out into the general population.
First world problems: I'm watching a TV show and tried to fast forward through the commercials and it wasn't working. I've been having issues with my cable provider recently so I got a little upset. It took me about 5 seconds to realize that I was watching a live show and that's why I couldn't fast forward.
Emphasis mine. Suggest whatever you want, but if you just throw shit out there without facts, or understanding ebola and how it spreads, then I'll throw you into the hysterical anti-vaccine fear-mongering crowd that's being fuelled by the media's rush to sell eyeballs with a 15 second sound-byte and references to bullshit Hollywood movies. Now, come to me with science, facts, and actual knowledge on the subject, and I'll be more than happy to listen.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 9X20140714</a> Basically, these guys get just as lazy as the 7-11 cashier. Except, instead of failing to clean off the tacquito tray, these guys are fucking around with Anthrax and bird flu. Yet, there still hasn't been some conspiracy theorist level leak of plague. Just sayin', if there's one place in the world where contaminants will have a hard time spreading it sure as fuck isn't the CDC. Even if it would make a killer Michael Bay movie. "I SEE GREEN SMOKE." Fuck me, read that article. It's terrifying. Play fast and loose with smallpox, anthrax, plague, and a nice bucket of AIDS. Christ, people. How the fuck do you get laissez-faire around that shit?! I'm going to go scrub my hands with hot bleach.
Rolling around of the dead bodies of its victims as a display of grief might have a thing or two do to with it spreading as well.
Is this for real or are you exaggerating? Do people seriously roll around on dead bodies as a display of grief? Either way, the fears over ebola are baseless. The physicians helping this person are at an incredibly important moment in their career, everyone involved has their personal and career interests at stake. You don't have some nurses from a local community hospital looking after this guy. You got the top of the food chain looking after this. Everyone involved has much to gain and something significant to lose if this goes bad. With all this in mind, I can't imagine their level of focus and attention to detail involved. I can't really understand how people possibly think this is a killer bee situation where somehow the people looking after this get lazy and it gets unleashed on the public. Its drives me crazy to hear this fear mongering going on.
I'd personally be way more scared of Mad Cow than Ebola in North America. Feel that tickle in your head? That be the prions throwing a party.
Influenza is a much more serious threat to the public health, so are car crashes, the anti-vaccination movement, herpes, etc.
That's for real. Part of the death ritual in the current outbreak area is to basically slather up the extended family in the juices that are what's left of the deceased. Also, dead animals found lying around are being sliced up and sold as "fresh" meat. It's almost as if someone somewhere created a sick social experiment with the goal of coming up with the customs and rituals to extinguish a culture as quickly as possible in the event of a hemorrhagic outbreak.