Right. Church it up in public all you want, Sweetheart. You weren't saying that when you were force feeding me Taco Bell and had your mouth on the receiving end of a butt funnel.
I'm not sure if this dry heaving is because of that comment or because of morning sickness. Either way, I'm unhappy.
That beat is kind of fresh...but then it just turned into a musical abortion. And we couldn't even get some fast spittin' Busta? We just get bloated, mail it in Busta? Fuck you Toyota.
He has let himself go. I know that white dad is a comedian/actor. I mean Im sure Id sell the fuck out if a company offered me over say 10k for a commercial but the dirty rape shame would never wash off.
They say lots of morning sickness means you're having a boy. Because they're bitches like that. I have a complaint. Apparently ordering stuff from Adam and Eve puts you on some kind of mailing list where you can buy something like 40 movies for a .01. One day my oldest was acting weird telling me to get the mail. I couldn't figure out why she didn't do it since she walked by the mailbox earlier and asked her. She then mumbles something about sex stuff in there. After stupidly staring at her for a second, I realize my son is on his way to get it and run out, practically shoulder-checking him out of the way to get the mail. Well, all it was was that stupid mailer stuff. But to get OFF the list, I have to cut out my address and mail it in to them. Which means I have to go buy a stamp (who has those anymore). But I do it and mail it in. But I got another mailer today. Which means I'm either going to have to call, or buy ANOTHER stamp and do it again and hope it works. Dammit.
So much for the discretion of buying a sex toy in the mail and having it arrive in brown paper packaging addressed to "Ms. Smith" from "XYZ Industries Inc. Ltd. & Co.". To avoid this in future, make sure all purchases are addressed in your name but sent to your neighbour's address. Easy fix.
Well, that's what crossed my mind when she told me "I thought they were supposed to be in plain brown boxes." Technically, she doesn't know the REASON I'm getting the mailers. At least I console myself with that thought. And I keep getting deliveries for a neighbor of mine because we're off by 100. It has crossed my mind that if they ever get anything of mine, they are going to know more about me than they ever wanted to.
When your daughter knows how sex toys are supposed to arrive in the mail, I think that's a gold star moment in parenting. God, let it be a boy.
35C? This is the best mom / minivan rap. Toyota should've gotten the Incredible Crew writers to write that song. No, when your daughter finds TiB and the Boobie thread on the internet, THAT is a gold star moment. Unrelated, happyfunball, when does your daughter turn 18?
Re: 35C? That was such a blatant Lonely Island rip off it was uncomfortable. The first half felt like a rewritten version of Lazy Sunday
Re: 35C? Never. Pretty sure it's never. AGAIN, AND WHAT IS WRONG WITH FORTY?!?!?!!?!? Unless you're pregnant. Good luck Angel. On a side note, pharmacist today thought I was thirty. Which has nothing to do with nothing, just wanted to brag. *hair flip*
Re: 35C? Could be. I think that came out a few years ago, right around when Nick Cannon and Andy Samberg taped an episode of 30 Rock together. Maybe he was inspired. By the way, the dude "rapping" in that video is Finn on Adventure Time, which always reminds me of this: (I know that's not Finn - just Adventure Time always reminds me of that.)