Arf! We didn't get water, thankfully, though it was definitely dicey for a while there with the river near me finally cresting at record levels. Friends and family were not so lucky though, so I've spent the past few days helping where I could (mostly cooking giant pots of food). This whole area is in pretty bad shape. Tons of people who have lost their homes live in places that are not considered "flood zones", so they did not carry flood insurance. Hell- I'M one of those, which is why I was chewing my nails with the NWS graph on auto-refresh, though I'm fixing that as soon as I can. My heart goes out to u/sharkhead nachos- glad to hear yall are alright.
Blue Dog, don't you sell insurance? One of my guys who lives 4 miles from one one of the flooding rovers in Tangipahoa Parish had the water stop 2 blocks from his house. A friend of mine in BR now has his Mom, step-father, Dad (four weeks out from a quadruple bypass) and step-mother living with him because they all flooded. It's nuts up there. However, down here below sea level, we're doin' fine.
My sister lives in a town about an hour from Baton Rouge. Her house flooded a little, but it has in the past too so they took some measures that sort of helped this time. They were over here when it happened but they were able to drive back and deal with the water. I've got people I work with with relatives in Baton Rouge who are planning on somehow driving in what, I'm not sure exactly. The whole situation is scary. All those poor folks who lost their homes.....Damn. My heart swells for those people.
I do- which is part of the reason that I've felt comfortable not carrying coverage myself up to now. I know where neighborhood is in relation to base flood elevation, I know my house sits at the highest elevation point in the neighborhood, and I know that I built up another 16" from there. But the water does what it wants- there was also a bad flood event in my area back in March where locations in "X" zones went under despite never having flooded before. While some of those locations got more water this time around, there are others that didn't get a drop this time- its crazy how the flow from the same source can act so different. I was finally able to make it to work yesterday once they re-opened the interstate (my usual route is still underwater), and I promise you that I'm issuing my own coverage once I get all of our clients taken care of. My little brother and his wife are expecting their first child today. They've been in a hotel since Friday that is right next to the hospital because they didn't want to get stranded at home with no way of getting there should she go into labor early.
I'm glad y'all are safe down there. I'll be honest, if I had to bunk with my inlaws during a flood, I'd probably just take a stroll into the depths.
I think we've gone a little overboard with these mail order clubs. I just saw a banner for "the dollar shave club of laundry detergent" with Axe style eXtremeNess. Though my million dollar version would be one for condoms. Sure you sacrifice quality for cheap Chinese labor. BUT you get a steady stream of rubbers at your door without all the judgement of asking store clerks to remove the antitheft devices over the store's intercom.
You can buy a shit ton for dirt cheap off of Amazon. I don't care if store clerks know I'm getting laid, rather I hate knowing I'm paying way more than I have to.
At work, I use my personal laptop and I forgot my fucking charger this morning. Luckily, my boss was out of the office this morning and I 'borrowed' the charger from her's - I've got an hour and 3 mins of battery life left and an hour and 25 mins of work left. What made it worse it that she just told me that she wasn't going to be able to give me more hours (I only work two days a week. A really decent wage allows me to do that.) and that fucking sucks. I really enjoy what we do (land development and real estate) but the work I'm doing isn't what she hired me for, I'm doing essentially the same things she's doing. This is the Mondayest Tuesday I've had in a long time!
I hear it makes really good lube. You know, like for sex. You should try it out and let us know how it goes.
I know ToyToy is a man of science and is going to try this out. I'm still waiting to hear back on the Boobs BeerHolder findings.
I'm late to the game but I have to confess that I did look up Loverboy on youtube a couple weeks ago. The first minute or so of the video is funny and I thought it was cool that the band had a sense of humo(u)r. They just didn't get that the joke extended to their new song and video as well.
Loverboy is Canadian. Honeymoon Suite from Niagara, I know their drummer. He can spit water out of his mouth five streams at once. We had some decent bands is the big hair days. But we had ROCK CHICKS. Like Allanah Myles, Darby (that voice) and Sass Jordan. But my crush was the metal queen: Lee Aaron. Dat asssssssss....
I love how Florida finds a way to get some of the spotlight back from Louisiana, the Presidential Race and the Olympics.
Oh, snap. TiB has rules! And I agree with them!! Am I turning into an . . . an . . . adult?! Crap. Also, Nett, nice job on setting the non-robot land speed record for banning.
Y'all...I'm about to go on vacation, and I think I'm sick. I'm praying, crossing my fingers, etc, etc etc these are allergies, but I'm going to be so pissed if I'm battling snot and sinus headaches on this trip. BAH!