I'm DYING!!! OMG. I don't even know why for sure but the fact I could picture Nett sitting there just shaking his head at the pure glorious prime example of a halftard completely amuses me.
You fuckers didn't see the moderated post that landed in my inbox that was nothing BUT "sensible". I'm sure it was someone local who was pushing the limits of sanity, but there was no way it was going through...
Turns out that the initial email for the moron was listed as a brand awareness guy, so I'm wondering if it isn't part of some master "brand awareness" for The Sensible Party. Regardless, it smelled funny, so I flushed it.
Today at work, a guy won $3,000 on a lottery ticket. Sounds pretty sweet, right? Then I found out from one of the other guys that he spends about $100 a DAY on lottery tickets. No, I didn't accidentally add a zero. I don't understand how he can do that; I make more than him, and I'm still always broke.
Living here, I hear shit like that all the time. "I won $25,000 !" Then I come to find out they gamble away $1K a week on average. That's not exactly winning. But, if you ask them (Or even if you don't), they'll tell you "I figure I'm a little bit ahead." No one I've met in this town is behind to the casinos.I wonder how they manage to stay in business.
GNR was great, I did not see my ex there but one of her friends saw me and reported back to her, she was very angry and stormed into my office today and wanted to know where I would like to be served divorce papers.
If he wasn't quite so bad, I think we should have kept him around for a few days. I think he'd be signature gold.
Yeah, she is the one who told me to leave, so I did and have just moved on. She asked me for a bunch of info last week because she said she was going to file for divorce. Not really sure what she expected.
It was Milly. I mean, come ON.... ...and I'm all like.... I mean, if people just made the right decisions every time, they wouldn't have problems! So sensible indeed.