That's because she is evil. She thinks it's funny to jump out from behind bushes and attack us, then once we freak out she asks for a belly rub. Damn cat. Good hunting buddy though.
Aussie accent = instant panty dropper. Yes, please! Damnit, I always thought the cleavage as beer holder was totally a thing.
No need for such harsh conclusions, I think there needs to be a study performed before anything is said definitively. Anyone else hate waiting on others? I'm always the person that gets to places early, and I'm always on time. Genuinely if I'm even five minutes late somewhere I get uncomfortable. I'm waiting for my friend to pick me up so we can go camping and I'm going stir crazy.
I think it is. You should draw your own conclusions. Run experiments, photo document, report back. G'dye.
Mya??? toddamus...I'm kind of the same way. I grew up having to be somewhere at least 30 minutes early...anything closer than that was considered late. So now I'm super punctual and it drives me nuts when people are late. I don't mind if it's only 5 minutes or if they call to let me know they're running late. But, I feel like it's so rude to be late and not give someone the courtesy of a heads up.
At one of my friend's daughters 1st birthday. All is well and good as there's beer and a margarita machine and some decent food. However, now they're doing presents. It's all well and good, except were allegedly going to wait for her to "open" every present on her own. I don't know if there's enough beer to sustain waiting/watching a 1 year old attempt to open gifts. Holy shit I need a shot.
Not PC Spoiler Below this dude's name, you can see his nickname on the PSA label. It's the only name I've ever known him by. I always just figured he had some weird racist sounding southern name like my Uncle Jiggs. Nope. He had an actual name that wasn't Nig. Fun fact: He hit a record 8 HR's in one game in the minors. He hit 6 HR's in 9 major league seasons. Apparently the one game in the minors where he was Barry Bonds on super steroids they had to play on some kid's field where if you yanked one down the line it only had to travel like 120 ft in the air before it cleared the fence.
This damn cat knocked over a $300 vial of insulin. It hit the floor and shattered in slow-mo. Fuck this asshole.
If this is fat then I don't want to live in this twisted, reverse-everything, bizarro, twilight-zone world anymore
So my five year old lost her second tooth yesterday, and we did the normal tooth-under-pillow thing last night. Only I was so tired last night I completely forgot to replace said tooth with money last night. So at about 6:30 this morning she comes in my room, not quite crying but with tears in her eyes, saying that the tooth fairy didn't come last night. I had her wait outside while I "found the money under the bed(put $5 in my bathrobe pocket when leaving my room)," and explained the tooth still being there by telling her that the tooth fairy put an internet bulletin up saying she had to get so many teeth Friday night that some houses got mixed up and she'd be rectifying the situation tonight (which I thought was pretty creative given that I was still half asleep in my bathrobe). Anyway, now she's writing a note to the tooth fairy "forgiving her" and I have started drinking. These are my weekends now.
I lost her tooth while trying to replace it with cash, still waiting for her to find it one night and freak out, I've looked everywhere, I am starting to think she hid the damn thing on me. Kids are weird.