Save your cash and invest wisely. There will likely be trips to the orthodontist in your future and they are ugly.
It's been available up here for about a month. My kids asked to try it (they only get to have pop as a treat), they haven't asked to have another.
The potential crisis has been averted; I took the tooth, left a note from the tooth fairy, and put an extra $3 in it. She's thrilled now.
Jesus Christ. $3 for a tooth. I'm going to have to set my kid up for a lifetime of fairy disappointment. "You're a naughty child so the fairy only brings you nickels".
From my understanding, Cosplaying is dressing up as a specific character and making sure you include the fine details of the character. A costume is more generic like witch or goblin, doesn't mimic a specific character, and isn't deeply detailed.
If the trend holds my son will be getting squirt guns or soccer balls. Anything to keep him active and outside.
I was looking back through the Bikini and TiBer threads and started to wonder about a few long lost posters. What happened to happyfunball? To CJ?
I still see HFB putting stuff up on facebook. She's doing competitive weightlifting now. Looks great.
There's nothing worse than the last day of summer before you have to report back to work. What's one to do? Get drunk with frozen sangria and wine tastings.
Well, well, well. A nice WDT, people of TiB. Many thanks to the three ladies who contributed selfie pictures. You certainly brightened up the place. I am opening this beer and toasting it to you. Cheers!
And there's that one teenager on the right standing with her arms crossed who is thinking this is the worst idea ever (eva?) for a father/daughter outing.
I have to give a shout out to one of my new best friends: the JBL Charge 3. Not just a Bluetooth speaker, but THE Bluetooth speaker to end them all. Its incredible, been using it all summer and it's never let me down. On this charge alone it has lasted 2 river floating trips, working in the yard, and now it's on its third cookout without needing a recharge. On the river? Yea, it's waterproof. Not splash proof, but waterproof. I've gone inside my house multiple times (50+ feet away or so) and it's never been out of range. This little fucker is excellent.