You know, here we are having a nice discussion about pedophilia, and somebody has to go and ruin it by making a good point. So that Ashley maddison hack, Josh "molest all the sisters" Duggar's name popped up in it. Pure Schadenfreud.
Kitchen renos make a mess. Our sink and dishwasher had to be uninstalled today for the cabinet guys, and tomorrow morning first thing the plumber is coming to fix it. My wife has OCD so bad she is literally cleaning half a day's worth of slightly dirty dishes, in my son's bathtub. Damn straight.
For those of you do not know of the wonderment of this new-fangled greentext, a friend of a friend on Facebook shall be quoted for this: ">Be me >Working on tearing the roof off my house for re-shingling >Worked for 12 hours, having a bottle of water every hour >I'm pretty sure I drank 12 bottles of water today >Started to get nervous since I haven't peed all day >Fast forward now >Ate a big fat jalapeƱo bacon burger >After finishing, my stomach gurgled the mightiest gurgle >Ran to the bathroom >Just as I sat down, nearly a gallon of shit-water sprays out of me >I close my eyes and pray for Cthuhlu for guidance >After the ordeal, I'm feeling faint and my heart is fluttering >mfw I'm probably gonna die" From what I hear he still draws breath, so I'm kinda disappointed.
For whatever reason, a good portion of the Houston Texans cheerleading squad is now following my twitter account. Maybe they want to have my babies? We'll see what happens when football season starts and I start posting Seahawks stuff.
Deez Nuts are now running for office, and all the news stations reported on it. Well there is also a Poll where North Carolina is largely unsure about Deez Nuts This thread needs more Niykee Heaton Spoiler: Spoiler
Hahahahahahaha Man guarding 'Muslim-free' Oklahoma gun store accidentally shoots self
Apparently the midget in charge of Best Korea has ordered his troops to prepare for war. Starting at 0800 GMT Friday. Don't we have a shitload of troops over there right now conducting joint maneuvers? And Kim thinks this is a good idea?
You need a NK to English translator. When he says "prepare for war" what he really means is "give your pellet guns an extra pump or two and aim for the speakers again."
You know what sucks about butts? If I don't work out for a few weeks mine gets small and skinny fat. After running/yogaing for approximately 2.73 days my bubble butt comes back and I feel like I'm busting out of my pants. That's not a great feeling. I want to have my cake and eat it too, damnit! Wah.
Pictures are the only way for us to decide if you get cake. Perhaps a poll for us to vote on which one is better?
Tomorrow is six weeks post c-section. I'm ready to get back to work, slowly. I can't wait to not feel smooshy again. I want ALL DAT ASS. Also. I want my quads back.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that when your bubble butt comes back, we also feel like busting out of our pants.