They were. They were limited and have since been discontinued. I think the 07 was maybe the last year. For what it's worth - wifey isn't going to give up so easily.
That's my thought as well. Plus it's always nice to have the bike. We store it in a small shed in our back yard but he seems to think there isn't room for that anymore. Such an awful idea.
So, she was old enough to be your sister? Why is this a problem? Why doesn't everybody just use the self checkout? Wow. The CEO of Autodesk wears a T-shirt and cap? Of that whole group, I though he'd be the one in the coat and tie. Can't you just tell him no more blowjobs if he gets rid of the bike?
I think I talked him out of it. I was like "That bike is like instant panty dropper for me. Just saying." Then he started talking about how he could reorganize the shed.
I am trying to imagine a reason why you didn't lead with that. I think you could have avoided 100% of the discussion about selling it. Husband: "I'm thinking about making a change to <thing>." Wife: "That thing turns me on." Husband: "Nevermind."
He also has a guitar. If he starts talking about selling it I'll push him down the stairs or something equally violent. I love that bike. He got it just before he and I started dating, and yeah. I know it's materialistic or whatever, but the bike is attached to more than a few memories and I'd hate to see it go. Especially when there are so many other options.
That is craz- wait a minute! Have we ever seen iczorro and shimmered's husband in the same room at the same time?! Coincidence? I think NOT!
They're saying Jared the Subway guy is going to plead guilty to kiddie porn connections. Damn, I thought he was only connected because an ex-employee of his was charged. Too many creeps in this world.
Not exactly. All the reports I've seen say he's going to accept a plea deal in connection with the raid last month. EDIT: Wait a minute...strike that:
I wonder what exactly the context around "possession" is in this case.... if his minion gave him a USB with a hidden directory full of kiddie-porn, then he could still be technically in possession even though he had no idea. He could also be hoarding peadobytes of the shit because he's a sick fuck. If they guy is getting punished due to some zero-tolerance legal stuff, I'd look at it a bit differently. If there's one thing the internet, old age, and cynicism have taught me over the years, it's that shit is never as it appears at first outrage.
Yeah but him taking a plea deal is somewhat telling. You dont do that if someone just ostensibly hands you a thumb drive.