yep, say something off color and people will roast you behind your back. office politics is all passive aggressive and most of the time these conflicts are won by people with no spines who'd never say a bad word to your face.
not sure, for some reason i would hope the politicking in the military is more overt. but obviously i'm as naive as it can be when it comes to the armed forces.
i don't know if i can explain it very well, but i think my problems stem from being around masculine personalities. don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to wave my dick around and become alpha male of the group, but now i have to deal with more feminine personalities, and it's hard to adjust. i don't respect people that have an issue with me but don't say anything about it, but at the same time i could see myself not being easy to approach.
candy flipping, acid and mdma at the same time is my favourite way to fly. on the rare occasion when sex on that combination was possible? un fucking believable. i mean logistically difficult without viagra and a bit of speed or blow or something to keep you yup to the task and paying attention. but it's like ripping open your brain and pouring distilled sex into it and jamming a blender wand in with the lot.
"treat me as an equal... a fragile, afraid equal." pretty well sums up most of the corporate women i've worked with.
try working for a local government, if you're satisfied with the job that you got hired to do and want to continue to do it until you retire, then it's fucking gravy. now if you want to get upped and have a bit more freedom and control over your environment then you need to learn to play the game. i have had a crash course over the last 18 months courtesy of a great manager, it's looking like it might finally pay off. the amount of shit talking aka politics that goes on for "management" jobs is unreal. the job i am shooting for isn't even technically management but you're fucked getting it if you don't have a basic understanding of how to play the game.
more or less, in as far as it goes. think about a really great drawing of a blowjob. i mean yeah, it might be accurate, but a picture isn't enough to explain what makes it what it is. or for a better example, think about a picture of your kids first laugh, or your. or your mothers lasagne. or your beloved sportists winning moment in the big sports thing. a picture might be accurate, or even great, but the smell, the taste. the sound, the emotional context of that experience will never translate to someone who hasn't been there in the moment. you can talk someone's ear off explaining it and show them every photo imaginable, but it's like trying to explain the first time you ride a roller coaster to someone who's never seen one, or the way it feels when your dog dies to someone who's never loved a dog or lost a loved one. the context that makes it meaningful isn't there.
hand jobs for everyone!! sorry, i'll stop now. seriously, i hope you get it. good luck and all. but i couldn't resist. hey, at least you aren't my facebook friend from high school that i joked about his wife enjoying anal sex with his friends while she was dying of cancer. in my defense, i didn't know she was sick. i mean, he posted about his friends, his wife, and the back door. everyone knows that's a euphemism for anal sex. i waited 15 whole minutes to post my response, you have no idea how hard that was for me. anyway, about six months later he posts an obituary which i thought was his mom and after clicking on it i realized it was his wife. here she was battling brain cancer for about 12 years. i really really wanted to go back and delete my comment but was now too mortified to even look at it again. so if he ever gets in a mood and wants to reminisce about things he has said on facebook about her, he's going to read my damn comment. i'm just going to pretend like it never happened. it's bode well for me in the past. Spoiler
there is probably only a 10% chance that the penisbewildered person is not a troll. if not a troll, then my message to you is that i hope you understand why someone would legit believe that you are a troll.
maybe. i just hope he understands that it's not sexual, i'm just sincerely hoping we can plug it somehow so she'll shut up about what comes out of it.