when my parents came to visit me at school, they caught me naked with a model from ohio. bring bacardi and make awkward comments about your progeny's sexual prowess. prepare for a shit-show.
all the dorms are coed. they range from wing to wing, floor to floor and room to room. she got the wing to wing dorm. when we toured the college our group was standing in the hallway while the tour guide spoke. as she's doing this, a door opens and a guy comes walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. as a joke, i patted my pockets and said something like, "where's my camera when i need it?". my friend appreciated the joke, the other parents in the group, not so much.
not my picture, but i saw these in a vending machine over the weekend in quebec: imagining the taste combined with the texture in my mouth makes me gag. why canada? why?
i've had ketchup chips, blame my hockey colleagues for that. as much as i want to say their shit, they really aren't that bad.
apparently our friends up north do like to put potatoes in ketchup. since regular french fries are occupied by poutine, they dip them in ketchup. lays decided to cut out the middleman.
speaking if poutine, i also tried that for the first time. the first few bites were great, but maybe i just wasn't expecting the overall heaviness of it, because i found it kind of gross after a while and couldn't finish it. then again i got it at a mall food court, so maybe that's it. i can't imagine ill ever have it again.
of all the things canada needs to apologize for, they still have not made amends for these two things. i know its been said before, but dammit, it needs to be said again. Spoiler NSFW
yeah, it can have a tendency to congeal is a kinda gross way if you don't get at it fast. fucking tasty otherwise, though.
oh, look, a bunch of americans are criticizing other countries for producing unhealthy food, shitty music and spoiled teenage celebrities. how about that.
thanks for clarifying it wasn't your picture. i was thinking you had taken the time to set the bag up just so on a white background and was thinking "man, juice needs a hobby." not my picture, but when i was at the mall this past weekend, i saw three guys wearing these: they were also wearing baseball caps underneath them, it was about 85 degrees outside, theirs might have been wolves, and one of the dudes actually had his hands in the pockets. i tried to get to my phone for a picture, but wasn't quick enough. and honestly, i suck at stealthy pictures anyway. i always feel like people know. but why? i couldn't even find a picture of a dude wearing it as an example. only girls.
Catch Up On My Snacking when i was a kid, there was a company called charles chips that delivered large cans of potato chips door to door. they were like 3 gallon metal, refillable cans. i have no idea how that was a sustainable business. anyway, one of friends used to get them, and one of the flavors was ketchup. i remember that one and dill pickle the most. that was like 35 years ago.
that's because you didn't eat it blackout drunk at 2 am on a street corner. only then can poutine's full appeal be appreciated
is there a rule now where every commercial has to have either whistling, a ukelele, or both? christ almighty.