hey, i may have short-term memory loss, but i still remember that i hate that the fudgepackers are assholes!!! because favre (it's pronounced "fov-ra" wrangler-wearing dipshit). and that quarterback they have... shit, i forgot his name now. all i know is he's gay. and i remember he has a neck-beard. which means he's most likely in the friendzone with a lot of people. possibly men. because he likes me.... what's his name. bledsoe? it's not breese because i'd remember "gay asshole breeze" for sure. and.... wait a tick, you're just trying to provoke me into provoking shegirl (for the sake of your own amusement) aren't you? you slimy sonofabitch.
rule #1... everything around here is for my own, personal amusement. that's why i now own the domain, and pay to host the site. just ask sack.
to be clear, i mean that i like the place and have fun, so am more than happy to invest time and money into it to keep it that way, and greatly appreciate the help of the mods, and the hacking of binary, in keeping it like that for everyone. if it wasn't fun and interesting, i wouldn't do that, and let it die. it got that way for a while, which is why i bailed. but things changed, and i came back, and did what i could to clean some shit up a bit to get it back to that "fun" place i enjoy. again, purely selfish reasons. i don't want or expect people to suck up to me or the mods... at all. the only thing i won't tolerate are assholes who are cruel to others, like sack was. he thought he was being edgy and funny, but really he was just an emotionally empty bully who was lashing out at anyone and everyone. that rubs me the wrong way, and after years of tolerating that shit, i'd finally reached my limit, and nuked him from orbit. the one and only time that's happened. even supertramp didn't get that treatment. again; fun, intellectual stimulation, tits & ass, funny stories, and jabbing wit... keep bringing it.
it's mildly endearing that you felt the need to justify your previous post. fuck it. you own this place and you've done a good job re-vamping it. we'll play by your rules.
naw, it just came out a bit more dictatorial than intended, as evidenced by a couple of pm's i got, when that's not the case at all. i try to only step in when shit starts to go off the rails.
be as dictatorial as you like chief, you're funding this venture. focus (in the traditional wdt sense): off to beervane tomorrow morning at 11am. that's five hours of day drinking craft beer with my dad of all people. then hopefully to the pub on my way home to catch the last of my local rugby team on the big screen, then a few hours of sitting around drinking at home before i head to the pub to watch the best and third best rugby sides in the world go at it. now that i think about it i should probably cut out the 'going home' bit, but it's all within walking distance. the trick will be to not fall asleep drunk at 5pm. i'm a bit of a lightweight these days.
those 4 glasses of wine were big glasses. like 1.25% the size of regular glasses. so it was more like 5 total.
H-o-t w-i-r-e, hotwire dot com yes. white collar sketchy. every time i see that commercial i assume he smoked about 2 packs of cigarettes during filming, got the work to pay off his gambling debts, dodged jail the first time after working out a plea agreement following the insider trading charges, but served a short stint in county for the coke bust. i'm glad you said that, because i absolutely got the creepy feeling - like, i would not trust that guy with my money - and thought, how do the people approving this ad not see that? and, then i thought, oh wait, maybe that's exactly the vibe that trivago is targeting. because, sketchy dudes travel, too.
Re: H-o-t w-i-r-e, hotwire dot com hes the kind of a dude that would be into couch surfing. you'd let him crash thinking he was okay, then you'd wake up in the middle of the night to screeches of your cat being raped or something.
Re: H-o-t w-i-r-e, hotwire dot com or, like in your bathtub with a kidney missing. except, he wouldn't be gone yet. he'd wait for you to wake up. and, then, he'd be all, "man, i am really sorry. it's just that i owe a guy. and, i can't afford to lose my thumbs." then, he'd leave. and, yes, i've seen this commercial about a hundred times, because it plays 5 or 6 times during every brave's game.
futurewife finds him attractive, but she couldn't articulate why. i then showed her a picture of ted bundy and asked if she thought he was attractive too. the look of disgust i received was priceless.
maybe she likes the look of a man who appears as though he'd rape your pets. maybe that's her fetish.
i feel like restaurants with huge fucking wine glasses and heavy pours should give you a heads up. sometimes you want to get wine so you don't get fucked up, because more often than not the glasses are a decent size. it's the reason why you didn't order the heavier stuff. then they come out with this stemmed fishbowl and you're like "wtf?!?" and you're not going to waste wine, so you have that glass, and its just enough to impair your judgement to get another. then you're shit faced on adult grape juice and all you wanted was one nice glass of wine.
okay, we have completely different reactions when the glass is bigger than what we anticipated. mine is something like this: Spoiler