when you fill it, don't just upend the bottles of beer like she did... get yourself a funnel with a hose on it so you can pour the beer in there gently, even respectfully. also, grab a small freezer pack or two and put them in there with the beer to keep it frosty. and get a bigger fucking pumpkin.
i haven't seen but one wet t-shirt challenge. i have seen a bunch of big ol' male athletes screaming like little girls, though.
haha, really? my 11 yr old daughter wanted to do it because one of her friends challenged her. she barely even gasped.
i was going to make the opposite comment that this challenge is sexist in that all i see are ladies doing it. where are my wet t-shirt or shirtless dudes i can mentally think "yeah, get all nice and wet"...wait, i mean "yeah, raise all that money for als." and really, shouldn't we be hoping less people do it as the point is they have to donate if they don't take the challenge? people should be posting stuff like, "i refuse to do the challenge, so here's my money!" or something like that. here rush, here's your wet t-shirt and big boobs: Spoiler edit: gravy came through! alright!
it's always bugged me that they call them pull-ups. they're kips. or something else. take the hips out of your pull, and your fran time shoots through the roof. i was always proud that my gym was known for being laid back, a lot of fun, and for having a beer every wednesday for pint night.
long time lurker here - saw this post and went out today to get some deep eddy's. got the ruby red and the sweet tea. on my 2nd sweet tea and lemonade. i have a feeling this sweet nectar can/will sneak up on a person soon. wife is having the ruby red and soda, but at a much slower pace. thanks for the recommendation, it brought me out of lurker status.
you know that tucker max is one of the main investors/reasons behind its popularity, right? does that make you like it more or less?
i did the december polar dip challenge in lake erie back in 2000 with a friend. i told him i was going to be the last one out of the lake no matter what. i was. it also froze my hands into claws for almost three days and my shoulders almost dislocated from shivering so hard. stuuuuuuuuuupid. don't do it. whenever i watch videos of assholes running over thin ice on lakes i want to darwin to take the wheel.
neither. i don't care enough about tucker and his endorsements to have a bias. it's hard to find texas booze that isn't deep eddy here. tito's is present, but the tx whiskey is liquid gold and i'll punch a soul in the balls if i catch them sipping on my bottle.
less, but i still want to try it. i was going to get a sweet tea sangria one time instead of my usual raspberry but fortunately i asked the bartender's opinion first and she told me it sucked. i appreciated her honesty. i'm watching some show on id and it has tracy gold, antonio sabato jr. and the guy that played peter brady. they talk to the camera in it. but i keep watching it. edit: i have a complaint about shark week. i was watching their show about "the submarine" about this huge shark and they showed video footage of this ship that went down that the people on it were hunted down by this shark. scared the shit out of me and i was never going in the ocean again. it was fake! damn discovery channel. although yay i guess to people not really getting eaten.
here's the link to tucker investing in deep eddy. just something about the words "sweet" and "alcohol" that repulse me. i think i've had too many shitty hangovers.
tucker max is involved with deep eddy's? i think my vagina just turned into a mini sand dune. way to ruin one of my favorite brands. just kidding. i'm probably buying some more tonight. next you're gonna tell me that nancy grace is a huge supporter of tito's. today was so shitty that i wish i had been hungover/still inebriated. anything would have made it better. i hurt my back man handling a 200 pound jabba the hut-esque piece of worthless goo that i fought for the better part of an hour. now it's time to drink my face off and eat mexican food despite the massive amount of vomit that was spewed on me this morning...yeah...it was one of those days. i don't get the hate for the ice bucket challenge. before this, the average american hadn't even heard of als. it's such a horrible disease, and i'm glad people are becoming more educated about it/hopefully contributing to worthy charities.
tito's is one of my favorite vodka's, have a bottle in the freezer now. i am probably paying the highest prices in the country for it here in connecticut though.
not nancy grace, but titos does like to pollute the environment. (by the way, that river they were dumping into is a major water source for a dozen or so towns.) there's a reason titos is dirt-cheap in austin and surrounding cities: because no one would buy it otherwise.
just bbq'd a nice steak, cracked open another bottle of wine, and am watching a copy of the star wars de-specialized original trilogy. it's a painstakenly colour-corrected and frame-by-frame restoration of the original theatre-run movie based off of a pristine, unfaded version of an original movie print. no retouching, added scenes, new cgi, etc... just the closest thing you can get to the original, in-the-theatre experience. it looks fucking great, and i'm loving it.
enjoy it while you can, disneys going to gorilla fuck the shit out of the star wars franchise. i still cant go back to watch the original trilogy, it hurts so much thinking about what could have been. i remember the hopes i had as a little kid in regards to where the series would go, "could boba fett be a jedi? maybe thats why he's such a badass!" "i sure hope kyle katarn is in the sequels!" etc. nope, the last trilogy has to ruin all of that mystery, and then disney comes along and says "remember all that cool stuff in the extended universe you want to see the series take on? yeah, fuck you, that never happened." i'm sure jj abrams is going to do a great job with the new movies, he really stuck with the original material of star trek, lots of exploring and great dialogue, and the crew only resorting to violence in the rarest of circumstances. oh wait.