i liked it as well. and i just don't 'get' star wars. like at all. i don't even find it remotely interesting.
you shouldn't be. it's an excellent movie, i thought very well done. and it was mean as hell, something i think needed for the series. you can't just re-create something the way it was before. i hope the new star wars movies are more mean and violent, because i would rather hammer nails into my eyes than relive what the prequels gave us. i hope jake lloyd has been sold into white slavery.
i'm not a sci-fi guy. but you know the most bad ass sci-fi flick? timecop. i'd watch the fuck out of timecop right now if it was on. i need a blue-ray water sealed belgian mullet version. seriously, his mullet doesn't move for 90 minutes. it's perfect. so van-damme is this belgian guy pretending to be american, but he's also a time traveling cop. he travels back in time to stop time traveling criminals and he also does a ballet fight scene in his tighty whiteys. this description alone is worth $50 million and 4 oscars. i had this fucking thing on tape. must have watched it at least 100 times. and not just because ferris bueller's girlfriend was naked as shit in it: Spoiler now they make movies bad on purpose, which just isn't as fun. however, at dinner i made the comment that sharknado 3's main villain would be tara reid's fucked up plastic surgery stomach. because "it looks like an anrgy jack palance chewing tobacco." my friend's fiance was horrified.
if there's one movie that could top ray liotta for best pistol whipping scene, it is that movie. i remember liking it as a teen, but in the future of 2004 where police have mullets, guns are the size of hair dryers and cars drive themselves? it's pretty damn funny to watch now too. "i'm still kackang!! i muss be ahn broway!!!" mia sara my good god. angelic.
Han shot first i could not disagree more, new guy. i think it's in good hands. isn't kathleen kennedy involved?
not two minutes after i set the blue bags outside either bob or steve is inside the damn thing, rustling around like scrooge mcduck in his gold coin pool. tonight i stand for freedom. tonight i stand for the right to drill this little bastard right between the eyes. i apologize for the vertical shot, but like leonidas i needed a steady aim. sorry youtube tags aren't working: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfrvcaa6_pg&feature=youtu.be i had to hit and run. he was pretty damn pissed. now the backyard smells like an abattoir. it was worth it.
Re: Han shot first i keep reading your username as "iputpenniesinbewildered", and that makes me giggle.
Re: Han shot first did someone rename this guy or did he seriously chose that as his screen name? either way, bewildered should be totally flattered someone thinks so highly of her.
Re: Han shot first honestly? i think disney is in the business of making a fuckload of money - i think the obvious way to do that is to take jj abrams and give him budget to film a love letter to fans. i'm concerned that there'll be a distracting focus on lensflares coming off lightsabers and a focus on giving fans a handjob instead of telling a great story - but given the scope of the extended universe and the number of available writers with experience in the universe and great story writing ability - i'm optimistic. also, just looked up the details, the writers credit for the screenplay of the first sequel? jj abrams and lawrence kasdan, the guy who cowrote the screenplays for empire and jedi, and raiders of the lost arc, who wasn't in any way involved with the prequels. between abrams and kasdan's filmographies - and the production crew attached also have great chops and i feel like my optimism might actually be warranted.
Re: Han shot first "that thing i'm about to be in t-minus 1 hour." awwww yeah! ps: we aren't talking about pennies.
was it the big beast thing? i barely remember it. was it the big beast thing or the creepy little shit with the goldilocks that gave you the heebie-jeebies?