i'm gonna make it rain mothafucka! so, to my canadian neighbors on this board. is it true that your dollar is a coin and that strippers wear a satchel? y'all make it hail, right? because i have told a few people this factoid with zero knowledge of its veracity. what's even better is that even if it's fake i'm still probably gonna be passing that tidbit on...
we have $1 and $2 coins, called the loonie (because of the loon/bird that is on it) and toonie (because we're unoriginal). they replaced bill equivalents years ago. as to the "satchel", never seen one in use like that... usually they have a box or something that it ends up in, but how it gets there can be quite creative, depending on the venue.
we have dollar and two dollar coins here as well. our strippers will glass you if you try and give them change.
there's the loonie and the toonie but i've never heard of the satchel. virtually every strip bar here is full nude though. edit: didn't see nett's post
i have never understood why people are so into fett. is it the helmet? the dude is a total tool. awww, poor jake. it's not his fault. whoever hired him is the one that needs to be ass raped. i like it. a lot. it really does a great job of capturing the spirit of the original characters and having fun with creating a new story with them. it's like really, really well done fanfiction.
10 years ago, when lurking on the tmmb, i might have cared (a little). now, i just prefer vodka drinks, spending time consuming these drinks with good friends, and working on being a good dad/husband/son/brother/friend. hope to participate around here a little more often. a bunch of you people crack me up.
new posters are always welcome. just don't be into women wearing flats. the can of worms that gets opened will explode like fucking fireworks.
when loonies first came about, the strippers here would spread their legs, stick one on their pussy and if you could knock it off with another loonie, you'd win a poster. then they realized that was degrading, so they'd roll the poster up and hold it over their junk. sink the loonie, you win. i haven't been in 4-5 yrs, so i'm not sure off current spiel. (i totally failed at quoting. i'm not sure if it's the new format or the wine. we'll get over it.)
just spent the weekend in montreal for a bachelor party. it was odd that guys just sit at the stage and do have to tip or anything while sitting there. at clubs in the us, they don't let you sit there unless you tip. also, the strippers up here are pushovers. i told the girl that was giving me a lap dance that i wasn't leaving the booth until she showed me her pussy and i'll only had $20 left so it was up to her how long it continued. thinking i was gonna get yelled at or thrown out, she smiled coyly and took her panties off immediately. god bless whatever uncle or cousin molested all of the self esteem right out of her.
gym etiquette question: i scraped my shins doing deadlift, and they started to bleed a little. i cleaned up after myself, but is this a douche maneuver? i cannot deadlift in pants, and the bar is not ideal for doing deadlifts, but i make do. i feel like i'm not as bad as the 120 pound dude slamming the weights down with each rep so loud i thought it was the beginning of a metal song or a surprise appearance by orson lannister.
nah. definitely clean up though. and maybe grab some compression sleeves for when you deadlift. don't have necessarily wear socks, just something to stop the scraping.