So last night I was repairing some automotive interior parts, when a can of Great Stuff (TM) expanding foam blew up on me. The shit got all over my hands, but worst of all, a big blob of it got in my chest hair ( I was working with my shirt off. I do that some times. Don't judge me.), gluing it to my skin good and proper. Whenever I move my arm, it pulls. This stuff is nigh-on impossible to get off; I decided to do a search to see how to get it off, when I found this: "How to get insulating foam sealant out of my hair (pubic)?"
Are leggings the same thing as leg warmers? And, are you a maniac, maniac for sure? In fairness, if his roommate had been following him, he'd have gotten a heads up.
True, had he been more active on twitter he could've got out of dodge. I'd recommend not living with a sociopath in the first place but thats just me.
How do you take a classic awesome 80s teen angst song and make it current? You jam your drummer in the attic, set up a home studio, and you death metal that bitch up, that's how.
I'm pretty sure you'd remove a layer or two of skin if you tried to rip that stuff off like wax... so... be sure someone is taking a video if you attempt that.
As someone who grew up in the 80s, I have a mild fetish for leg warmers. So I guess what I'm saying is... Pics?
When you think about it, soccer socks look a lot like leg warmers. But the question is; what are the differences?
Those look like something a homeless person made out of an old sweater. The only reason these could have been popular is because the Internet didn't exist and people couldn't be ridiculed for wearing them as easily.
Those are not 80's leg warmers. And my generation can't even blame acid and weed, unlike the hippies.
Do you have a shin fetish? I don't see how that makes them any less attractive. Maybe its me but leg warmers kind of highlight the upper leg and thats cool.
I'm with Frebis. Completely unnecessary and odd-looking. I remember when those were considered "hot" and would very much like to forget it, although in all fairness it's nowhere near as ridiculous as the baggy-jeans bullshit of the 90s.