We just lost power for no discernable reason. It's only been 5 minutes and it's already hot as balls in here. Only one thing to do.
Look, you know WE want you to post in the boobie thread. And, you know YOU want to post in the boobie thread. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again, right?
Oooh, that sucks. Have you considered stripping down and/or going outside. It's the only way to cool down. It's scientifically proven.
Historically banging is what is done in these situations. Not sure it'll cool you down. Does pass the time though.
I have a love/hate relationship with the fact that the reply box saves the drafts of what I start to post. Generally if i decide not to post something it's for a reason. You ever have one particular line from a song that reminds you of a certain time or place and no matter how many years pass, it still reminds you? It's been a solid 6 years but every time I hear "she had a weakness for writers" in Nights Like These I'm transported back to that exact moment. This is not necessarily a good thing.
Click on the little floppy disk icon and then select "delete draft". You might also be able to disable drafts from your profile settings.
No, I'm cool with it, generally. I had apparently typed out a big long post that I didn't post, which is fine. I didn't post it because it was stupid. In other news, I'm listening to the Chiefs game because I can't find a way to stream the video. It's 2016, how can I not find a way to stream the video?
Everyone who has bid on e-bay has had to deal with snipers. For those of you who don't know, snipers use a program that will place your bid on a timer synced to e-bay's time.....usually 2-10 seconds before the auction ends so they get the item for the next minimum bid and you don't get a chance to bid against them. They're assholes. I get sniped constantly, although if it is something I really want I'll set my max bid high and make them pay dearly if they out bid me. The funny thing about snipers is if it's an item they really, really want they'll set a ludicrously high max bid to make sure they win. Sometimes two snipers do this on the same item with hilarious (To me) results. This card usually sells in the $200-250 range. It was already sitting at a ridiculous $345 and then the sniper's auto bids fired. The final selling price? $676.55 Hahahahahaha http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=351770074422&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2565
I don't have cable or DirecTV, just Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. I'm too cheap to pay for satellite and the only time I regret this decision is football season. Chiefs games are never blacked out here, regardless of how good or bad of a season we're having. I just don't have a way to watch it since we don't have cable/satellite.
I am listening to the game and I giggle overtime the announcers try to say St. Louis Rams instead of Los Angeles Rams. That probably shouldn't amuse me as much as it does. In other, non-football, news I just found a bar of Dove chocolate. Happy Saturday night to me!
Ah. I have Dish Network, and I think NFL RedZone is the greatest invention of all time. It's probably higher ranked than penicillin.
The Braves are sucking balls again, the NASCAR race is in rain delay, I've lost interest in the remaining Olympic coverage for the night. So, now I am watching the Chiefs Rams game. I have no real interest - I'm not sure if I'm watching to spite you abneretta or support you.
My cable costs like $58 a month and provides me with hours of entertainment almost daily. How can you not justify that?
As a football fan who only cares about the Kansas City Chiefs, even when we had satellite I never cared to pay extra for NFL ticket because I could always watch the Chiefs. Now I guess I'd have to go to my mom and dad's to watch the game. I'd rather stay home and listen.
You're supporting me, if only because you think I may post to a certain permanent thread if the Chiefs win. You're too predictable, Rush.
I'm a Chefs fan. My dad grew up in Independence so I can claim them as my team. I really am not loyal to any NFL team. Like the Lions, if they lose I'm ok. Lived in SD for a while, like the Chargers don't live and die by them, never took to the Broncos. Maybe I'll become a Vikings fan? I can see myself getting to them. The only football team I care about is UofM Wolverines. I grew up in Ann Arbor and love that club.