But the problem is the model X looks ugly as fuck. I love the look of the S, but the X looks really ugly.
They are a joke. For whatever reason, car companies cannot make an electric model that doesn't look like Rocky Dennis. About as aerodynamic too. The Tesla model, while pretty, is kinda high at 35k; 25k would be ideal. However, BMW makes this thing: 137,000. But tell me you don't want to do impure things to that ass. I'm not even a car guy.
Is there a prize for being the billionth person to bitch about Dell customer service? Goddamn useless twats....
There's a guy who works next door who has one of those... it looks like something out of a not-too-distant sci-fi movie, like AI, or something. Cool car... too bad he's a fucktard.
A friend of mine just bought a Chevy Volt. It's a plug in hybrid, so I don't know if that counts. The gas part never kicks in for most of his driving - it's a 50+ mile range, and he doesn't exceed that before he plugs it in. It looks as normal as any car. He barely pays for any electricity to charge it, because he plugs in on his employer's dime, or around downtown at the free charge stations.
I accidentally saw a fat girls vagina tonight. I was eating dinner outside at a restaurant with a patio, and this girl was sitting in my eye-line with a skirt. She didnt have panties on and she weighed north of 225 lbs. It was like looking at a plate of lasagna with a furry hat. Im not quite sure if she was presenting or not, but I lost my appetite and didnt eat much of my meal.
A friend of mine has a Tesla, it's freakin' gorgeous. Eerily quiet to ride in and has one of the most beautiful and comftorable interiors I've seen on any car. I was smitten instantly, You can see why they get such crazy good reviews. No gas, no oil, no noise and free supercharger stations between every major city (except Michigan where they're banned).
I think I am the only one here that likes seeing high gas prices. I work in oil and gas so high prices mean I have a job. That said, I would buy a Tesla tomorrow if I could afford it. Gas was $2.05 here today. Possibly the only perk of living where I do.
The lady at the liquor store told me to "Have a great day." I'm buying the cheapest bottle of scotch you have in stock, on a Monday. I'd say that the ship has already sailed on "great day."
Today's the 25th anniversary of one of the most famous bullsthit lawsuits in US history: Judas Priest's Rob Halford Reflects on 25th Anniversary of Subliminal Message Lawsuit
I had this thought today. How do these people with shitty tattoos argue? They're arguing with a boss, a co-worker, their date, whoever, but how do they not stop mid sentence and feel so utterly stupid to have a dinosaur wearing horn rimmed glasses on their arm? How do you have the balls to talk smack at someone when you have a cupcake inked on your chest? The shame alone should be enough to shut them up forever. But this is a funny world. Taco portraits just make a person stronger and better than you. I wish I had that amount of delusional self confidence. They seem to be having a good time busing tables.
I like tattoos, but I like them done properly. I don't like the ones that send the stern message of "I shall never have a job that pays taxes." Face, neck/throat tattoos look like prison scoreboards. Then there's the lameness of some of their choices in tattoos, Jesus fucking Christ the level of attention-whoring delusion when it comes to carving something carved into your body for the rest of your life is astonishing...
There is a part of me that is nauseated for this poor girl. There is another part that can't stop laughing. Woman sues porn company after "accidentally" giving her brother a BJ through a gloryhole. Heart of gold, this one. A true auteur. BUT it gets better. The company's rebuttal: And I'm done. Goodnight. Someone get the lights. One thing. Is it better or worse that the snake was dead?
I must see this scene. Off to efukt to see if it's up yet. On second look that website looks totally bogus. Googling that name and the word "porn" only turn up another messageboard talking about the same link.
I'm really glad I'm bringing a girl into a world where she'll have the option of blowing a brother that's still a twinkle in my eye. I'm sitting in a hospital room with my wife right now. The medication she was given to induce labor is threatening to give her diarrhea.
Fuck all of you bitching about paying less than a dollar a litre of fuel. It actually went back up recent;y and has been sitting on $1.30 for a few months.