I've never understood that brand name. If you're wearing an adult diaper, you seem pretty certain you're about to defecate on yourself.
I believe the PC term is "incontinence brief". I know because I read it in a chart. Let's call it what it is, people. It's an XXL adult diaper because you're crapping yourself! Dressing it up in a more sophisticated name doesn't change anything.
Dumb headline of the night: BREAKING PD: Man with knife barricaded in home near downtown Vegas http://www.fox5vegas.com/story/2987...ded-in-home-near-downtown-vegas#ixzz3jt5LXYIY Technically, every time you lock your doors you"re barricaded in a home with a knife. And then there's this from the story: 5 fucking blocks? Unless it's Peyton Manning this is probably a little excessive.
This one is for you toytoy http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...tive-shooter-situation-in-southwest-virginia/
Anyone else getting the 'become a human pincushion' ad for the yellowpages on that page? Kind of hilarious.
My wife is sleeping the sleep of drunks and children. I, on the other hand, have Adderall and a 4 shot latte coursing through my veins. I wish I was at home to clean my house. Also, wtf. This feels like Budd Dwyer all over again.
Best of luck. Incidentally, infant girls sometimes have a pseudo period for a few days after birth because of all the hormones. Enjoy those diapers.
Yup, mine was great for a few days. I thought it was going to be like that for a while, mahahaha, no no it is not.
So the bar I work at was voted one of the 5 best saloons in Arizona, of course we got 5th. It was kind of a back handed review but whatever. http://www.phoenixmag.com/culture/five-best-saloons-in-arizona.html
First of all, I'm assuming you've now challenged "The Palace" to either a drinking contest or softball game. Second of all, when all your staff and regulars do their "We're number five! We're number five!" chant tonight, make sure you get it on video to post here. 5th out of how many? Six?
There are only 5 saloons in the whole state of Arizona so we are at the bottom of the heap. I have already taken to facebook and blamed the bartender I work with for our poor showing because she does not smile enough, she is not amused but I am. It has resulted in name calling and insults. There will be no challenging of the other Saloons we are very narcissistic and don't even recognize those shitholes exist.
If your high school mascot is the Indians, then maybe your slogan to get people to attend athletic events shouldn't be "Come catch the fever!"
Ok y'all...husband is out of town til Sunday...I have tomorrow off from work...I had an irritating time with the aide from hell today...it's time to drink! My end of the fiscal year review was yesterday, and it went well. Nobody's complained about me yet so...yay.
My grandpa is now in a rehab facility after his first major hospitalization in his old age. He's had Depends for a while before it but you can tell it's as embarrassing enough as it is shitting yourself, having other low paid uncaring staff wipe your ass, and worse. I wish there was an easy name that made more sense than incontinence brief and was less embarrassing than diaper. The gallows humor sensibility of a lot of the nurses and assistants isn't helping.