Yeah, the Duggers got it right. Granted I want a 1000-pound bomb to get dropped on their house but the theory is sound: why be a parent when you can just force your older kids to do it for you? Oh, and no dancing allowed.
Words of wisdom from Celtus The Slack Jawed Yokel: "We home school 'em. I teach the big ones, and the big ones teach the little ones, but nobody taught me, so the whole thing is an exercise in futility." That woman has no life in her eyes. She is either brainwashed or brain dead. God, I hate them all. Can't wait for the first one to proclaim" FUCK THIS" and get into porn.
You know, for a second I thought I was in The Fappening thread and nude pics of the Duggar mom were leaked. I had even considered punishing the parrot to it, but only for a fleeting moment.
I pictured the mouth-closet from Poltergeist, only it Howitzers kids out from its evil void instead of pulling them in. The entire sicko fucking cult needs to be limped out to the barn and shot. An ever-multiplying idiocracy that will spread its vermin throughout its future offspring like an opportunistic infection, thieving away their youth and stealing our air. Mail them all to Pluto. Third class. God I fucking hate them.
It needs to be discussed so we can find a vulnerable point to kill it with fire. It's guarded not unlike the Death Star.
I just watched State Of Play: Trophy Kids and now I need a rape victim shower. These people should be shot and pissed on. I don't understand how relentlessly pushing and bullying your kid in sports to fill in your own pathetic life-void doesn't count as child abuse. What's worse is they relentlessly back-pat themselves since their kid's talent is strictly THEIR doing. Cunts on parade. Fuck this movie. It's important to watch but at the same time it rotted my heart watching it. This bullshit"parenting" is how serial-killing sadists are gestated.
Old news, state of play is hyperbole, but it has some themes that run throughout kids sports. I've seen it first hand coaching. A lot of parents want a return on investment, and unfortunately that return for many of them is their kids performance. Hockey has a large problem with this part, its not a cheap sport, so the parents think their kids winning is their dividends coming through. However, as anyone who has ever played sports growing up knows, looking back no one really gives a shit about how games they won when they were 9, however, they do know if they were miserable or not. What really disturbed me was the parents thinking they were giving their kids life lessons when really they were abusing them emotionally.
IPUTPENISINBEWILDERD, what are you doing on the board? Shouldn't you be comforting and cheering on your wife before her big interview? Shame on you.
Actually, he just hit the character limit of the username. The username he tried to register was IPUTPENISINBEWILDEREDSHUSBAND.
There are lots and lots of screen names here that need explanation, or have some clever or pop culture back story. I feel like that one is self-explanatory.
Did we ever have an "explain your name" thread? I would love to know the backstory to Old Hairy Porno.