I'll reply in kind. Angel was one of the nicer nicknames given to me in high school, and 1756 was the year Mozart was born. Rush nailed it.
What's that supposed to be? A still from the epilogue of your forthcoming tentacle porn? To be fair, an umbilical cord is technically a tentacle.
welp Are you implying that, now, instead of saying, "welp, my laptop shit the bed," I am supposed to say, "welp, my laptop pulled a Juice?"
I get why psych ward patients need to have restrictions as to what they are and aren't allowed to have. But if they're going to restrict dental floss and power cables, why don't they take away shoelaces?
Just saw this on Facebook. "25 of the Most Dangerous And Usual Journey's to School In The World" and all it made me say was "FFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK TTTTHHHHHATTTTTTTTTT!" Through the Himalayas Spoiler Over a broken to shit rope bridge in Indonesia. Spoiler Makeshift rafting Spoiler Fuck that. I bitched about going to school in an air-conditioned mini-van with leather seats and a gameboy in hand.
After a full night of sleep and a wonderful bike ride today along with reading some Heinlein, I am convinced humans are not meant to be slaving away inside of a fucking cubicle all day. I've been up since six am this morning and I still feel like I can flip a car and took ten Prozacs.
That rope bridge looks fucking dope. What 8 year old wouldn't re-enact the shit out of some Indy Jones on the way home? I lived down south and my nickname in 2006 was "dirty", thus Downndirty. Plus, I tend to be direct in person. I worked with a certified space cadet today that took 6 hours to clean a vestibule, asked for my name no less than 5 times and shamelessly hit on the laborer with ICP tattoos. I'll say that again: the guy with ICP tattoos wasn't actually the dumbest person I worked with today.
I find it hilarious that a guy who uses vestibule in regular conversation is forced to work with those fools. Godspeed my friend.
Who names two of their kids Darryl anyway? My friends and I always look foolish when we go out because four of us are named Chris. Introducing ourselves to new people leads to way too many "Yeah, RIGHT" reactions. As far as those kids in the Himilayas crossing those crevices and crags is probably, well, child's play. Those people could run up K2 with Wonderbread bags on their feet.
Freshman year in college we had two Amys on our floor. So one we used her middle name - Amy Jo, and the other one we used her hair color - Amy Red. I haven't seen Amy Jo in twenty years, but Amy Red I'm still friends with and she goes with me on my girls' weekends. And she is still Amy Red. No other Amy in our group. But she will always be Amy Red. I got my name because when I was on TMMB and trying to think of a username--which I'm really bad at--I didn't want to use any of my usual ones as they were more affiliated with mom stuff I did. I thought of that SNL skit, so that's how I came up with it. Although I always thought there was warning in that "commercial" that I realized didn't exist until I rewatched it, which was "Don't look directly at happyfunball". One of my favorites though was "Don't taunt happyfunball" and I was going to put that in my sig ("Don't taunt me") when I signed up here but I figured that was asking for trouble if people didn't get my username. I tried to find it on youtube. Why does SNL have to be so proprietary?
I think the Nicholas Cage version of The Wicker Man is the crowning glory in a career of so bad they're good films.