It was a woman. I was very intimidated by the owner and he came out and watched me. Told me my deadlift was good. He has videos online and one of them was about telling members to stop shitting at his gym. So all I'm thinking is I'm going to get there and that's all I'm going to think about doing. It was very stressful. Um, I was good about that by the way. It was a lot of fun actually.
My username is from a AD&D character from back in the 90s that I never got to use. So I started using it online because I needed an angelfire account and never stopped. Because creativity takes effort.
Meditate on That The bolded part just kept making me think of the scene in The Foot Fist Way when he comes out an sees the girl stretching . . . and then, this:
Ditto. If I was having an iron wrought gate built the conversation would go like this. "Sir we have a few customization options available for your driveway gate, we can do your initials, or bat..." "YES BATMAN SYMBOL!!!"
What? Bullshit. You wouldn't have that small, subtle thing at the top. You'd have the thing as big as a car, split halfway across the whole gate. Either that, or a JLaw silhouette modeled after the sideways couch ass photo from the Fappening release.
God, that must be so hard for you. How do you find the strength to carry on? Just, hold on, give me a minute. I'm tearing up a little bit here at the hardship you've endured. Sometimes I'm just overwhelmed at the human spirit's capacity to carry on under adversity.
See, now, VI, when Tx asked "why?" and "thoughts?" she only wanted you to share your real world practical experiences if they also saved Ethiopian children from starving.
My first marriage I changed my last name to his. Now we are divorced, our kid still has his last name, obviously, and I changed back to my maiden name. When I remarried, I kept my last name because I wasn't going to deal with the bullshit of changing my name AGAIN. So now in my house is living three people with three different last names. Having different last names has never been a real problem that I recall. It has generated confusion a number of times in regards to my daughter, but nothing that was an actual problem. No one ever didn't believe that she is my daughter. I've been called Mrs. Husband's Last Name maybe a handful of times in the almost 5 yrs we've been married (certainly didn't take offense by it), and no one ever questioned that we weren't married. It's either really not that big a deal or we've been lucky.
I never said that he couldn't share his opinion. Just because it's his opinion doesn't render it infallible. But, hey, if you're going to share your opinion that accidentally being called Mr. Wifeslastname is "really fucking annoying" (for no other reason than "I'm the man, dammit, it's supposed to go the other way!") why not also mention how the wife feels about being accidentally called Mrs. Husbandslastname? It must happen. Though I hesitate to speculate about what his opinion is of women who would get upset about that sort of thing.
Iron Sport Gym in Glenolden Pa! Traffic was awful and what was supposed to be a 50 minute drive took an hour and a half. I don't regret it. Steve is the owner and had his dog there who likes to say hello by sticking his nose in your butt, juuuussst as I'm doing a squat. That's the dog that did that, not Steve, in case I wasn't clear. And for how loud Steve is in his videos, he was very quiet while there. It was my first experience at a truly weightlifting gym and I wish it was closer. I had to take my shoes off for the deadlifts and I wish I was wearing different (i.e. not obnoxious color) ones.
Then let me share another one, my opinion about what I find annoying - IS infallible. It is a subjective (versus normative) consideration. If it doesn't live up to YOUR version of annoying, then by all means, change your last name to your wife's, your boyfriend's, the monkey you saw at the zoo once when you were 5, or whatever. Have at it. My posts on this particular subject were about MY experiences with the wife not changing the name. I know other friends whose wives didn't change their name run into similar problems. Other people might not. Wow, ok, how 'bout I call you 'Arrogant McCockLicker,' and when you object, because, you know, it isn't actually your name (and let's step back here - women who object to the name change generally do it because they like their name, but I'm an asshole for liking people to call me mine?) and then I'll go ahead and impute a politically incorrect reason for your objection, thus implying that you're a bad person on a moral level for objecting to the de facto name change. Sound like fun, Arrogant McCockLicker?
When we got married my wife took my last name. Which makes her a real trooper as her maiden name was a normal American name and mine is long and Russian and no one can figure out how to pronounce or spell it. She likes the uniqueness of it though and since it's the traditional model we've had no problems. Leading up to the wedding we talked about it. I told her I was fine if she didn't want to take it but that it would be pretty cool if she did. It was zero stress for us, though some hassle for her to deal with the paperwork. Though a little hassle I think fades into the background when you look at the results as stretching out over many future decades. I am amaze, however, at the concept that this might be a deal breaker to someone. Really? REALLY? "I love you, sweetheart, you're the woman of my dreams, you're the one I want to be with, you're my everyth- wait, you're keeping the name you've had since you were born? Fuck off demon whore!"
I mean, arrogant is an objectively accurate characterization, but cocklicker doesn't quite go far enough, if you see what I mean.