I've posted pictures. That's a triple whammy as the jeans are stonewashed and pleated in addition to being high-waisted. No comment on the neon as I am wearing a bright pink workout shirt as I type this.
If you have a sexy midsection why would you hide it with high waist pants? Kristen Stewart barely gets away with that, but why would she want to, she has a killer body. Btw, that photo clearly shows the midsection poof I was referring to when I was mentioning Jennifer Aniston, looks stunningly bad.
Fucksakes. I log in ONCE today and what do I get? An eyeful of fucking mopeyface (Kristen Stewart). I spent 11 hours today defrosting my fridge and, for my pains, Kristen fucking Stewart starts trying to suck my soul out with her eyes. Taylor Swift looks less alien than Stewart. I really cannot stand her. At all. Ever. If I see her in a movie or tv show I'm watching, I'm changing channels.
I think the baby from Trainspotting actually survived, grew up and became her. I have seen more life and soul in the eyes of Vladimir Putin than ol' she-bitch there, just black pools of deadness in those sockets.
That very well could be true but thats not the point. I'm actually kind of curious as to where the women on this board stand on her.
Some of you guys need to cut the bullshit. You act like you'd rather push these women down the stairs than give them the time of day, but I fucking know you'd fuck them if the opportunity presented itself.
I said nothing of the sort. I said she looks soulless, like a stripper. Given enough alcohol, condoms and not being in a relationship, I'd fuck a stripper.
I personally don't find heals sexy. The look uncomfortable. 90% look like a retard designed them. See tibette thread for more info. Take that all with a grain of salt. I have a funny taste in women. I thought the girl that sang with Mackelmore was sexier than Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus. Also having watched the twilight movies I will never find Kristen Stewart sexy. I can never unsee that or see her beyond that.
Kristen Stewart always seems dirty and sloppy to me. Even when she tries. And unhappy. And that last picture she seems stoned, which she probably is. I can't comment on her acting as I've never seen her in anything, short of snippets of movies here and there. There was a lot of lip biting.
This was a few pages back, but it needs to be repeated. When it comes to fashion, we don't give a shit what men like (outside of gay guys and fashion icons). Unless it's lingerie or a costume, it's not for you. It's for other women. "My girlfriend and her friends think that Diablo is super nerdy and for losers. So, um, I think I'm gonna stop playing it." No.
Amen. If Kristen Stewart walked into my apartment right now I'd fuck her until I physically couldn't. My friends and family wouldn't see me for a week, except when I decide to fuck her on my apartment balcony while waving to the neighbors and yelling "look what I'm fucking!" Who am I kidding? I'd Snapchat pictures of our crazy monkey sex to everyone on my contacts list. That said, she does have dead soulless eyes and constantly looks like a high school girl who forgot her locker combination.
Not heels (sprained ankles aren't sexy), just anything other than flats. Fucking flipflops to tennis shoes, I don't care. Just don't look like an elf.
Snapchat is the greatest app to be released in the last five years. Do you know how much easier that wonderful program makes it for girls to send you guilt-free titty pics? I don't have any exact scientific data, but I would estimate a 1000000000% increase in boobs seen on my phone since I downloaded Snapchat.
I'm actually a fan of the just got out of Azkaban look, but I think this might change a few minds about Kristen Stewart.
It's also great for taking pictures of people when their mouths are open, drawing dicks going into their mouths, and sending it to them later.
I think Kristen Stewart is quite pretty, and since I mentioned all the unsexy ladies, I'll say that she is very sexy too despite the permanent bitchface. And since I have been accused of liking the titteys (which I do), I will offer Kristen Stewart as exhibit A that it isn't a requirement for sex appeal. And by the way I have never seen her act, so have no preconceived notions about her based on characters she's played.