Since we touched on music a bit, what does everyone think of Eminem's new song? It samples The Stroke by Billy Squier and I thought I heard some Beastie Boys in the beginning, but I like it. I need to listen to it way more times to understand half of what he says yet, but it's growing on me. I like to listen to music really loud in the car and this song is perfect for that. Plus I grew up listening to Billy Squier so I'm kind of nostalgic with the song sample. One of the lines I did catch (I think): "Maybe make just like K-fed and let yourself go." Anyone else having issues with Youtube? I had a username and they keep switching it back to my real name. Every time. I like to keep the illusion of anonymity. Eminem link:
This one is new to me... ...and I the only one who feels like taking a shower after reading that? Gah.
After listening to that Eminem song, I am greatly looking forward to the era where classic rock is sampled in rap. The rap/rock mashup music is definitely some sort of vestigial redneck in my WASPY ass.
Why do you keep doing this to yourself? I agree that the PUA stuff is obnoxious and creepy, but I find it pretty easy to avoid. Hell, the only other time I ever encountered it in the last year or so was when you tried to start that wahoo of that one board.
It's also the most popular dance floor tune for the next 4 months. Bank on that. I remember when he released "Without Me" and my bar manager made me promise to not play it any time near last call because the song would drain the entire business away to the dance floor asd kill the best sale time of the night. It was ridiculous when it was played, every customer would be pounding the floor.
As someone who shares none of Crown's pop music curmudgeon-liness and digs Marshall, that song was terrible.
It can still be pretty funny to read from time to time. Picture it like when you're driving in your car, it's nice out, and coming up on your right you see two dogs fucking on the side of the road: by all means there's no right reason to watch such a thing, but damn it if you don't slow down and get a captivating gaze of the action, maybe even cheer them on a little for their shamelessness.
It sounds like it was cut together like a ransom note composed of different letters from magazines. I'm all for the sampling of songs, but this didn't quite go together. It sounds like he has tourettes.
I just don't think sampling is his thing. One of the reasons I've always liked him-- aside from his extremely gifted rhyming ability-- was catchy, original beats in his songs. I think this song could have been a bit better if you could hear his lyrics a little more but the Stroke guitar drowns out a lot of it. Too much going on at once. Maybe it's a demo version, I don't know. I hope it will sound better on a big system.
I, for one, am quite excited about the song. After listening to it, I'm ecstatic that I now have another Eminem song to completely ignore. It's been a while.
I have a question since I know people on here are familiar with it: is Asperger's an actual recognized condition or is it something Dr Drew pulled out of his ass like Sex Addiction? I ask his because it seems any parent nowadays that can't control their kid uses it as a dodge.
Hahaha, yes it did. That song felt like watching 'Game of Thrones' with my wife asking 'Who is this, what did he do, what is a direwolf' over the entire episode. Hard to concentrate on the actual song without all the unnecessary and retarded commentary going on over top of it.
DSM IV classified it, so it wasn't just made up. However, DSM V got rid of it. So as of right now, it's not an officially recognized disease in the DSM. It's astounding how many parents (or individuals) want to classify themselves/their children/others around them with Asperger's just because they have no control, or are mildly antisocial, or whatever. God forbid they just take responsibility for being an asshole.
My dad's uncle who just passed away a few years back was one of those no nonsense WW2 Vet types. He has a grandson who was diagnosed with aspergers when he was a kid. But he refused to acknowledge that his grandson was anything more than just a "halfwit". That's what he would refer to him as. He told a story once where he said, "I get the kid a job sweeping floors at the grocery, he can't even hold onto that one. He's fuckin' slow. I got no use for him. Back in my day, you got beat for that shit." The greatest generation. The worst parents.
It didn't just get rid of it whole cloth though -- it replaced it with a spectrum of variable severity, a model which better encapsulates how it actually works. I have no doubt that some parents push for a diagnosis of their kid when he doesn't have it, or use it as an excuse for unexcusably shitty behavior when he does. Just like I know actual people who deal with it (like anything else) and are perfectly functioning members of society. But there are some definite symptoms: Unusual or atypical speech patterns, including verbosity: Somebody on the AS spectrum maybe be particularly verbose or use language inappropriate to the subject. They might forgo all nuance in favor of excited rambling, seemingly incapable of understanding very basic points. Restricted interests: people on the AS might become obsessed with a particular object or interest. They might devour information about a particular part of a subject without much consideration of the greater context; they might get super into trains, or bugs, or particular cultural sects that deal with dating relations. They tend to try to get others to share in their obsessions, sometimes successfully. Lack of empathy: An AS person might not have much empathy for fellow people. From wikipedia: They might also take great joy in cataloging the ways other people are different without much concern for offense. Like, if somebody had a different body shape, e.g., very short or very tall. You know, something like that. Of course, not every person who does these things is AS; some people might just have social skills better fitted to limited, specific interaction.
I would say that those kids grew up to be even worse parents by going too far in the opposite direction.
I will say one thing about GG parenting: they never had to apologize to their daughter after she threw a shit-fit because daddy bought her the wrong colour car for her sweet sixteen. Your parents told you to do something, and you had no say. You just fucking did it. Of course, my dad spent the larger half of his childhood getting the ever-living shit beat out of him daily by my grandfather, so I can't exactly defend it either.
You just described the majority of message board posters on the internet, as well as many devout religious types.