This is my younger brother to a T. He's high functioning autistic and has been diagnosed with Asperger's. If you just saw him in the street you wouldn't think anything was off, or maybe that he's just socially awkward. But his speech patterns are somewhat stilted, he can telly ou anything about the space program and NASA with 100% accuracy, and you have to let him know that you're mad, happy, angry etc. He doesn't pick up on non-verbal cues.
Im getting this same feeling when listening to this song. Too much going on, a little over produced. His lyrics are almost drowned out by all the samples going on at once.
I think beatings were a requirement back then. I know my mom's brothers got the absolute piss beat out of them on a regular basis. Between a whole slew of undiagnosed mental illnesses that wouldn't have been treated anyway, these gentlemen, as you can imagine, are both upstanding members of society.
I have a question for you then, given that high-function and a severity scale has been brought up, how do you feel when autistic kids get lumped into groups with all other sorts of mental disability? Like just empirically, I'll see people gasp or hand-wring over hearing about an autistic kid the same way as you would someone with Downs Syndrome or the like. In its most severe cases, sure, but one of my best friend's younger brother is autistic, and outside of some behavioral issues related to his being off a bit emotionally, he's a pretty normal kid who's going to college in the fall. If people were acting like my brother had some terrible affliction or mental disability in that case, I'd be a bit miffed. My roommate in college lived in the same neighborhood as Jason McElwain and was miffed at the amount of media attention his story got. To hear him tell it in an email to us one time, "I understand that he was autistic, but he was high-functioning. He was a bit socially awkward and might have been in special ed classes, but I knew kids like that who weren't autistic. ESPN made it out to be he was some severely disabled guy who had some magical chance. Truth was he was a bit awkward and not that good at basketball. Them storming the court? Same way people lose their shit when a random white walk-on makes a layup at a Syracuse game." Now I'm not saying screw all autistic kids, or that its not a real condition (same for Asperger's), its just an interesting perspective on the way people view some of these conditions.
There has got to be a phrase or word for the instance where you read/hear the symptoms of mental illnesses or issues and immediately think you have them. I swear when I took abnormal psych in college every other illness I thought I had at least the diagnosable amount of symptoms for each*. I imagine 3/4ths of the students taking psych as a major just wanted to figure out what was wrong with them. * Negative thoughts for a period of 6 months or more? Have a hard time in social situations? Yes on both... You only need two symptoms to have XYZ? Guess I got that.
Kind of like hypochondriacs a.k.a the "all-in-your-head cold". Those people drive me fucking nuts. Listen WhataboutBob, you don't have flesh-eating disease. That's the cross-cross pattern from the lawn chair temporarily embedded in your skin. Now, back to peeing in jars with you!
Spoiler Did you guys not see my recommendations in the music thread? Genesis' "Mama", Matchbox 20 live performance of "Back to Good", Rob Thomas (mmmm...Rob Thomas) collaborating with Daryl Hall on "She's Gone" and I almost posted .38 Special's "Caught Up In You" the other day. I obviously know what I'm talking about. Seriously, it makes me want to dance and work out really hard. But then again, so does Paramore's "Still Into You", sooooooo make of that what you will. Nothing will ruin my good mood today. Kids are back at school. The silence is deafening. It also means I can play my new Eminem song as loud as I want and dance.
You know what song is fuckin' gangbusters? Katy Perry's new song "Roar." You know why? I'll tell you why, and get all songwriter-y on you, because we're talking about songs, and fuck it it's the WDT and I'ma do what I want. Not only does it flow really well, with the focal point of the melody climbing with each section, and the hook/title having that note scoop every time to get it ingrained in your head - but the production is such a great example of taking advantage of every current musical fad. There's distorted guitar with reverb in the vein of all the biggest rock acts of the last few years (Kings of Leon, Black Keys) And there's the vocal yelling in the back in the vein of all the dustbowl style indie acts (Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men) It's like the Sandlot. Do these bands/singers/producers know what they're doing when they all have the same elements in their songs? Yeah, they do. They know exactly what they're doing.
What kind of butcher doesn't have a bone saw? I decided to try the local shop and they need 24 hours notice for bone-in cuts. Isn't that the very definition of a "butcher"?
I really hate it when people advocate beating children. There's a difference between discipline and beating, and while resorting to physical punishment may not always be avoidable i think most of the time when it is administered the child's behavior got that so bad in the first place because parent(s) inability to deal with it early on. Also I don't think the average person would be very judicious about administering corporal punishment. This is all speculation on my part but I think that a lot of the time corporal punishment doubles as a stress release for an incapable parent and it develops into abuse from there. That's how I was abuse as a kid. Normal punishments stayed becoming worse and worse until my dad was straight up punching me closed fist in the face, kicking me while I was on the ground, making me wear a shock collar. I think I'm a pretty well adjusted person, but I'd be pretty pissed of anyone tried to tell me it was because my parents hit me. Quite frankly, the rebellious period I had that led to me almost fucking myself over after the abuse stopped was probably strongly related to all that shit. Edit: Wow, that was way too heavy for the drunk thread. I'm going to a wine festival this weekend but I'm not really a wine fan so I may end up DDing at least one day. 4 day weekend though so I'll have plenty of time to make up for one last day.
Just did my bi-weekly Facebook logon and you wanna know how I know many chicks from High School look like shit? Their profile picture is from Senior Prom.
So close. Already done and dressed. Mine is full of back to school pictures. I was going to rant about it, then realized my daughter posted her own picture. But at least she is a senior.
You must've gone to school with some hardcore Florida white trash. I've never seen that. Funball, I wouldn't tell people on here that your daughter is almost 18....
I didn't say it was OK. I said that it happened. It's also why I said earlier that they were the greatest generation and the worst parents. I can't say which caused which when it comes to my uncles. I know that right now, they are a couple of fuck ups. Whether that is what earned them those beatings, or is result of them is not for me to speculate. I don't have a relationship with either of them because they are greedy, lying, thieving and completely worthless sacks of rotting dog shit. I will not say that beating them was OK, but a short-fused, hot-tempered parent, like I was told my grandfather was, didn't have much patience for their shenanigans.
Random thought: Is it better to have brass balls, or balls of steel? Other random thought: This whole Miley Cyrus debacle is karmic justice for Billy Ray Cyrus' stupefyingly awful "music" that ushered in the downfall of what was once a great musical empire.
I believe the word you're looking for is "bullshit". I don't mean to be dismissive toward people with actual illnesses, but I don't like how the trend seems to be that more and more the slightest deviation from the determined "normal" gets classified as some sort of mental disorder. Personally, I'm introverted and shy. Back in the day that was a thing; that was just a way to describe some aspects of my personality. Today? Nope, can't be shy and can't be introverted - must be something wrong with me to explain it. Over the years I've been professionally or otherwise diagnosed with depression, asperger's, autism, dysthymic disorder, ADD, and a few other things I can't even think of. I never had behavioral problems as a kid (beyond normal kid stuff like not wanting to do homework, slacking on chores, missing curfews, etc.) and have managed to hold down my current job for nine years and have been promoted twice. Do I have some personal issues that could use work? Sure, but I've always believed such issues were called life and were simply a by-product of being human and living in this world.
Yeah, we addressed that in the previous drunk thread. Apparently she's almost 18, hot, and has big tits. Personally I think this is just the kind of sharing that TIB was made for. Or, at least the WDT.