Ales is a broad phrase, its kind of like saying a red or white wine, many different sub types within the catagory. You can have an IPA which is hoppy and a bit bitter or you could have a Scottish ale which will be very thick and a bit sweet. And of course there's everything in between.
Re: Re: 8/23/13 WDT RRRRRNSFW Whoa man. My husband and I were about 1 house away from me getting a Tudor (which he hates) and him getting an apartment.
I just drove over an hour commute (normally 30 min given the time) thanks to fucking Oprah being in town. Fuck Oprah. Also, fuck fucking creepy patients weirding me out on the 4th fucking day. I'm super stoked to spend the next 6 weeks with you. Bright side: 4 day weekend starts now.
If it makes you feel any better, my wife's clinical has been at the prison hospital this term. Talk about creepers.
Bravo to Eric Holder in standing up for state's rights today. Pot will be recreationally legal nationwide within 5 years.
I am throwing away the Tupperware full of minestrone/bean soup. I had a mug of it for lunch and am currently banned from the rest of the house because it "smells like you shit your pants." Dear husband and innocent dog, I am so very sorry.
This is the first time since I think I was born that an attourney general in your country didn't act like a complete asshole. Kudos. Although I have a VERY hard time believing state like Texas will conform to such a thing. I think they're currently banning women's rights to think for themselves. It's so much better up here, where you do more time owning 6 plants than you would if you were a pederast sex offender. Well, for more two more years its like that anyway. My city's mayor yesterday: "I was a drummer in the 60's, of course I smoked weed. Although to be fair, I never exhaled." Mayor Fatfuck of Toronto yesterday: "I smoked it. Tonnes of it." Maybe North America has finally steered towards common sense.
In general I don't believe in altruism and I don't believe in the Federal government giving power back to the states, stuff like that just doesn't happen. Power consolidates, it never delegates. There is a reason they're allowing this to happen other than they believe in states rights, thats way too simple.
The day it's legal in NC and I can't get fired for smoking it I'll roll the biggest blunt I can. But who am I kidding, it may be legal here one day but anyone with a blue collar job still won't be able to touch it.
They don't really have a choice. The Feds don't have enough manpower to enforce two states (and the couple dozen medically) and to think otherwise would be a PR disaster.
Yes agreed, same for Alabama. The state actually has a bill to legalize it but I have no idea the likelihood of it passing. Even if it does, businesses might still not allow employees to have any trace in their system. I'm not sure the legality of it but I want to say that I've heard of some employers banning their employees from smoking cigarettes, they could do the same as for weed.
Fixed. Between 68%- 73% favour legalizing it. Even 52% of American now favour it. What is it with politicians and the ancient practice know as math?
My dad visited today so we could have an extremely summery day during the unofficial last week of summer - go to Jones Beach for the afternoon, head to Coney Island for some rides, eat Nathan's for dinner, and then go to a Cyclones game at night. We get to the park and I was psyching myself up to go on the Cyclone, and we're walking over there and never see a single car go on the ride. We're wondering if it's closed for the day or maybe if the day I was finally going to ride it someone died or something, and we get there and there's a huge crowd of people with their cameras out. We ask them what's going on, and they're like "Oh, Beyonce's about to go on it so they closed it to the public for a little bit." And, sure enough, a few minutes later we finally see a car go with her sitting in the front seat and all of her pals behind her. Sadly, for some weird reason, my dad wasn't interested in us waiting around for her to come out to see her up close when there was hot dogs, baseball, and beer to be had. But, I was still within a few feet of her so I more or less feel like I was blessed by the pope.
Did you try to steal her hair like that fan at her show did? Spoiler ...when you see an internet headline that reads "FAN SNATCHES BEYONCE'S WEAVE" that's probably not what you had in mind. I have a great deal more respect for her now for not even missing a note during that, it had to hurt. Next time you see her, tell her to make a Destiny's Child album already. She could probably use the money, anyways.
I was talking about law 101, which forbids anyone from writing anything in English ever. There is hope for Canada though, pretty boy liberal candidate Trudeau says legalization is the only way to go.
Ah, sorry. Yeah, ignore the French cunts. Because they're fucking cunts. Our entire VASTLY English-majority country should ignore those cunts. Because they're whiny, hypocritical cunts. Because of those fucking fucks, all my DVD's are stupid-looking because they have the English AND French names on the side of them and that's one of MANY things we're supposed to abide by, y'know, in case one of them happens to be vacationing here and buys a movie and can't tell from the picture on the front of the case with Bruce Willis's head in front of an exploding airport is Die Hard 2.