Picturing you whispering "Southtime" to your wife when you want her to suck your cock is making me horny.
That's pretty much it. The whole sexual empowerment thing has been used up so much there's nothing for them left to do but anal. And even then I doubt many will care.
You'd think Ke$ha would be up for this challenge. She's already got leaked shots of her sperm spackled abdomen online. For my money though I hope Cyrus or Rihanna is the one who breaks through that barrier.
Her music sells because teenage girls are fucking stupid. "Well, Prop, what about all the adults that like her music?" you say. That's because there's a shitload of adult women never fucking grew up and are mentally and emotionally underdeveloped. They have the mentality of a 15 year old girl, but the body of a 30 year old, overweight, chain smoking, alcoholic trailer slut that they desperately try to squeeze into a pair of daisy dukes and a tube top while hanging onto that one shred of hope of being a contributing member of society that they had when they were a teenager.
Hit it on the head, drive around some of the rural areas in NC/SC, plenty of "grown" women are blasting her attempt at music
Seriously? Different strokes for different folks, but retardedly hot should be reserved for people who are at least can be uniformly be considered hot to begin with. I'll even give you pre-hair Miley and still think she has kind of a derp face. The hair just made it all worse...
I didn't think Wentworth Miller was gay, be he just came out. The first celeb to praise him was his onscreen brother, Dominic Purcell. Too bad Bruno Mars doesn't have the courage to admit it.
Co-sign. Her hair does make her look retarded, so maybe that's what Kubla meant. Miley's got a decent body, and obviously works hard, but there already has been a retardedly hot girl mentioned in this thread. Her name is Emily Ratajkowski. Let's support having standards for superlatives of smoking hot women.
My sister-in-law is 43 and constantly likes One Direction stuff on facebook. Pictures, articles, stuff like that. It's kind of creepy. Between her and my other sister-in-law posting pictures of her food, I have to question my brothers' tastes. I don't get how Taylor Swift can wear high-waisted bottoms and be considered fashionable. I wear them (I don't) and they are called "mom jeans". Not fair. And what's with the zipper? Spoiler I'd be laughed out of, well, everywhere if I wore those. My friend texted me and asked if I saw VMAs, I didn't, but she said Miley was a pig. Best reaction shot of the Smith's during Gagas performance: Spoiler
It's not just Taylor. No woman should ever (like, ever) wear high-waisted shorts, pants or dress. Every guy hates them. No one with a penis has ever figured out what woman who wear them or the designers who make them are thinking. They're awful and not flattering in any way. I have had this conversation before with a female, and she laughed and gave me one of those womanly head toss "you silly man" looks. I proceeded to ask every guy we came in contact with for the rest of the evening and the next several days if any of them liked that style. 100% no. And, that seems to be the consistent opinion. Yet, they persist. High-waisted clothing on women is worse than wearing flats. Yeah, I said it.
She can sorta do the high waisted thing because she is very willowy and thin. I mean they aren't the most flattering thing in the world, but they are merely meh as opposed to horrible. I have big hips, rear and thighs and a relatively small waist so I gotta wear clothes that flatter that. So that means shirts with a billowy waist that hugs my hips are out because it makes me look like a marshmallow. High waisted stuff is sort of similar. You just have to figure out what works for you.
Well clearly you wanted something, because despite your not wanting a child you were still throwing your unprotected dick into her with the hope that you would father... something. To put it in more simple terms, that's like saying "Here, I'll trade you at least the next 18 years of my life, a quarter million dollars, and an emotional investment the likes of which I don't have the present ability to fully comprehend, for _______________." From the sounds of it, that "blank" is your sense of self worth; you wanted to ride a beautiful wife just like you drove a BMW. But trading in the BMW for whatever cheaper, more fuel-efficient car you ended up buying a while back only makes you appear self-actualized on the outside. On the inside, you were still rationalizing throwing your baby batter into someone you didn't love for a baby you didn't want in order to have something that looked shiny and valuable. But at least you're tall. Can't get than from a gym.
I started seeing all the outrage on facebook, so of course had to tune in (i blame time warner for cutting me off from showtime that i wasnt watching somethjng better) Regarding the Miley thing. It wasn't necessarily "shocking", it was uncomfortable an not in a britney kissing madonna kind of way. The second hand embarrassment I feel for that girl trying to be "sexy" with the tongue thing and non existent ass thing is just uncomfortable. And I've always rooted for her, but she's losing me with this bullshit To me Taylor Swift is one of those girls that just has no sex appeal despite her beauty. Also in that category: gwenyth Paltrow and Nichole Kidman. Maybe she'll grow into it, but I kind of doubt it. Lady Gaga is also not sexy, but she's quite talented so gets a pass. Now Katy Perry... Oozes sex appeal without trying. And on that note, I can feel my brain cells screaming at me to stop thinking about such things.
Okay, I wasn't going to post any other pictures as I felt I've done enough, but you mentioned Miley's ass and I had to show this: Spoiler Okay, I'm done now. I think.
Honestly, that picture just makes it look like she was wearing bottoms that are about 5 sizes too small. If she wore something that fit her, her ass would've looked better. That said, she's still a confusing mess of a girl.