Is this just you hinting that you want me to wear a tweed suit and sensible pumps when I do my Nazi test on you?
Sensible pumps yes, other clothing optional. I thought these coming to Jesus(killer) moments involved no clothing though?
Well I'm not just going to teleport into a bedroom. I might wear lingerie as outerwear to work but I'm going to wear SOMETHING en route to my Poon For Peace TM appointment.
Well if the pictoral evidence has proven anything it's not just the magic poon changing the hearts and minds. You also have plenty of female converts based on your voluminous, supple, perky.......... Spoiler Hair .
Hearing that Puerto Rico could see a storm surge in the 30 foot range. That's three stories. Holy fuck!
Are they preparing for a hurricane or nuclear winter? Sheesh, the storm itself will pass within a day max. There might be flooding after that for a few days slowing down the relief, but it's like they think they need to hide in a cave for months.
Gawd. I just tore through a pint of ice cream like it's my job. I feel awesome and terrible all at the same time.
They're probably not that smart to begin with, and a state of emergency would just make it that much worse. They are idiots who are afraid and are buying into the mob mentality of "I have to get things before there's nothing left to get".
There is also the fact that people purchase for a whole household, and if they are all as obese as the pictures indicate in this thread, that's a lot of calories. Personally, I always have MREs and a stocked pantry as well as bug out bag stuff so the only thing I picked up was a couple extra jugs of water and a bag of dog food. If Irma was headed for us I would pick up just a couple more things.
Donald Sutherland will be given an honorary Oscar this year. I like it when they do this. When they finally say "How the fuck did we give one of these to Jack Palance but not Peter O'Toole?"