Bunk? You're in a group cabin? I think the answer as to what you should do is obvious: Masturbate. Loudly.
Yes, we're in cabins. It reminds me of 4-H camp. There's only one other person in my cabin though and it's the friend I drove down here with. I'm now up and drinking coffee and knitting on the porch of the cafeteria.
The wife went to bed complaining about her sinuses. Damn weather. So I decided to help her out. Once she went to sleep, I put a generous amount of my naga jolokia sauce in her bedside water bottle and shook it up. She took a big swig this morning. She is currently not speaking to me. I can finally enjoy my coffee in peace. And also her sinuses sound better.
His syle changed dramatically in the mid 90s, and he dropped off the pop radar as a result, and left a chunk of his fans behind. What a great show. He can still bring it on the piano. He and the Noisemakers were just up there having a blast and took us along for the ride. They don't have a playlist for any show, they just go with the flow, and take written and shouted requests.
The Minnesota State farm has made me aware of Ag culture in the state. In honor of that Spoiler: Really not a bad pic
Nope, not yet. Fucking IUD threw off her schedule once she got it take out, so her body is still acting crazy... Well more crazy than normal. Good news is it means plenty of practice. Which is the best part (only good part?) of baby making.
Uh, once one of your little swimmers connects, you don't have any other parts in the baby making. You can preheat the oven and help combine the ingredients, but that's about it. You can stare through the little glass window, maybe flick the light on and off, but you don't even get to take it out of the oven.
Isn't the good part watching the miracle of birth and all the amazing unspeakable things that happen during the process? I've heard that watching the crowning is really an amazing sight that most people can't erase from their minds.
My wife is pregnant now and pregnancy is so fucking terrible that I'm looking forward to the horrors of birth just so she can go back to normal. I lost my drinking buddy. She can't eat any fun foods. She was sick every day for three months. Going anywhere more than an hour away requires a bathroom stop. She can't sleep because it's impossible to get comfortable. She can't be outside when it's hot because of the risk of dehydration. And on top of all that any time something goes slightly wrong I'm scared she's having a miscarriage since that's what happened last time. I'm so excited to be a dad, I'm just tired of her being miserable. If there is a next kid I think I'm going to push for adoption.
Really making the gals want to run out and get knocked up this weekend. Gonna double-wrap it now. Sheesh.