Is there a greater recipe for dying alone than being a brony? They seem like the last demographic that still make it acceptable (and not rude) to pull your children in closer when they approach.
Was over at a buddy's place watching the football games. Only heard 5 gunshots outside the whole night. I need to make some friends in my own socio-economic class.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the teachers that actually had to work this week after a paltry 3 months off. You are definitely underpaid and have the hardest job in the world.
My wife is a first grade teacher. When you calculate the total time she works in and outside of the classroom (even with summers off) she makes about $21/hr. With $75k in student loans, she spent the summer working another job. Also, I'd rather clean out music festival toilets by hand than spend 9 months a year locked in a room with 20 6 year olds, all with helicopter parents whose little snowflakes are the next [insert prestigious, world-altering super being] and refuse to accept that their child might be lagging behind because they don't read anything at home that isn't the small print at the bottom of a T-Mobile commercial.
I won't rag on teachers, I won't rag on nurses. Both are underpaid and extremely trying yet important jobs. What is everybody doing for the holiday weekend? I am ridiculously excited to be doing a home improvement project instead of going out and whooping it up. Must be getting old.
Someone shot a cop a few blocks from my house, the officer is hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries, but they've got the whole area cordoned off. Not just cruisers blocking the roads, but helicopters and officers with shotguns standing there. Getting to work was a bit tricky. Meanwhile, back in Mississippi: Barber's pole stolen (Although in all fairness, someone did shoot a cop in that small Mississippi town a month or so ago)
So I'm a few days behind, I know, but glad everything turned out okay in the end. It's amazing what can go wrong in childbirth and with the body in general. My second semester in nursing school was all OB/GYN and it was eye opening to say the least. The vagina is a complicated and dangerous place and pregnancy and childbirth only make it frighteningly more so. I didn't want to have sex with my wife for a while after that course. They should teach that semester in every junior high school in the country. Teen pregnancy rates would plummet. I got my vasectomy after my wife was afflicted with a lovely twist of fate called a blighted ovum. That's where you have all the symptoms of pregnancy, increased hormone levels with positive pregnancy test, stopping of the period, weight gain etc., but when you go for the sonogram expecting to see the little growing bundle and hear the heart beat for the first time the uterus is completely empty. There is no fetus. It was the most shocking, disappointing, fucked up experience I've ever had. Those of you contemplating a vasectomy, just be warned that there is a prostate exam involved. Yeah. That was fun. My urologist was a sneaky bastard too. I didn't see it coming. One second I'm laying on my back while he's examining my boys the next his finger is up my ass. I called my wife afterward and told her I felt like I'd been violated. She laughed. On the plus side, once your SO is freed from the burden of worrying about pregnancy, you start getting a lot more sex - for a while - then it slows down again. Yeah! Marriage!
Umm. I didn't have to have that exam, or any exam. I think he just wanted to stick his fingers in your ass. My wife watched my vasectomy. I think she found pleasure in it...
I didn't have to have a prostate exam nor did my wife watch. There was, however, a sign taped to the ceiling in the exact spot I was staring and trying to think about anything other than the virtual stranger with his hands and sharp tools on my junk that read "Smile, you're on Candid Camera". Urologists are strange people.
*scratches "Get Vasectomy" off weekend plans* It didn't occur to me that I have Monday off work until yesterday. This means an additional day of bird hunting in warm weather and drinking my dad's beer for the weekend. Glorious.
Age 11 I needed a minor hernia surgery. Somehow. Anyway, the urologist examined my junk. He explained the details of the surgery including, "We're going to shave you, so you will have to grow back all that nice pubic hair." That was creepy right? I didn't imagine it for 20 years. Best worst part: guy was a dead ringer for Jay Leno, but with a magnificent poofy gray mullet. Now back to my happy place: FALL BEERS ARE OUT, BITCHES. Picked up Abita pecan and Oktoberfest. Paualner Oktoberfest, daddy's medicine; I love this stuff, might be my favorite beer. A selection of pumpkins: Smuttynose, Unita, Cigar City (an imperial),St. Ambrose. Southern Tier's Pumpking is now in a 4 pack. Also got a bottle of Noah's Mill bourbon. This stuff is crazy. I've had bourbons 20 bucks more that are nowhere near this good. 114 proof, tastes like candy. Be prepared to spend a bit. $50 a bottle, but I have never ad anything so worth it before.