I got a little carried away with after work drinks last night. Now I've had 0 hours of sleep and I have to shepherd clients through a tour. Good decisions all round! On the plus side, best boxing drill ever last night. Simulate an 8 count: in pairs, one partner stares at a spot on the roof and spins around for 30 seconds. Then you get 8 seconds to recover / get up. Then you spar. Just brutal, but all fun and games until your partner gets clipped and throws up. To his immense credit though, he manned up and came back... just in time to do it again, and vomit again. And still spar after that. Madness.
As in ''Got concussed, threw up, and came back to get hit on the head some more?''? Or was he clipped by a body shot?
Hahaha no I don't hit anywhere near hard to concuss anybody (sort of sadly). I think it was part exhaustion, part dizzyness followed with a sudden lurch from copping a hit to the head.
Ritalin is a methamphatamine cocaine derivative. For someone with an addictive personality, this makes sense. Doc says it'll either help me focus or I'll go on a bad trip ala Jodie Foster and jump through a window. I like these odds.
Yea, they're different types of stimulants. Kind of different like how sugar is a stimulant and so is caffeine. I'm sure 'sack is secretly jealous of you getting your hands on Ritalin. I'm sure he'd love to crush that shit up and snort it off a black girls ass.
The dictionary definition of awkward might not be 'breaking up with someone but still having to share a hotel room and flight with them', but it's pretty fucking close.
Did you work "sex for the remainder of this trip because we have this room and what else are we going to do?" into the breakup agreement?
Denver is going crazy. The local news channels have countdowns to the second going on. Last time Denver played the Ravens it was literally 10 degrees out, today it'll be about 90.
You could watch them if you were in public school. We called it Kill The Guy With The Ball, but it had many names elsewhere. Most notably "Smear The Queer" or "Kill The Carrier." The one objective was to hurt, maim or crush as many of your friends with as much malevolence and ice-heartedness as possible. Oh, and hold onto the ball. In England they roll cheese down a cliff and have idiots chase it, with only the comforting cushion of a rugby player clotheslining you to stop your decent. Gloucestershire Cheese Roll. Lotsa fun.
He would never break-up with me. Wait what? Unfortunately I'm going to miss the kickoff to the football season because I will be having reckless sex with the girl I haven't seen in a month. But I will be chilling hard on Sunday eating KC BBQ watching the games.
I had no idea Canadian children were so homophobic. Someone should do something to educate those poor children about why that is such a horrible name for a game. My Micheal Moore skills are impressive sometimes.
Soccer (not gridiron football) originated that way. In 1823, William Webb Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it, thus creating Rugby Union. In the late 1890s, a group split from the official rugby union over compensation. Players in the new form of the game were paid and the rules changed a bit and Rugby League was created. Rugby League begat American football.