Yeah...I wouldn't ask my bf to do an all-weekend shower extravaganza. It's all-female. I'm not THAT clingy!
For our first some friends threw us a co-ed baby shower and I went grudgingly. They tried to hang a blue pacifier around my neck so that the people at the party who I had known for at least ten years would know who the father was. I refused that. It ended being somewhat entertaining because the host's husband broke out the whiskey and his new AR-15 so we salvaged an awful party with booze and firearms.
Re: Re: 8/30/2013 WDT NSFW Within 48 hours of moving into my new place I had installed one of these in my shower, I can stand under in with a few inches to spare.
Re: Re: 8/30/2013 WDT NSFW The shower at my mom's house came up to my shoulder. It was installed in the late 1950s. I always considered it a show of West v East during the Cold War. This thing pumped out a couple gallons a minute, and was probably the most wasteful showerhead in LA. A single shower used more water than a whole line of Soviets waiting for their monthly shower. But man, did it power out the water. Every shower was like that episode of Seinfeld. Sadly, the Berlin Wall came down. And then, 23 years later so did the showerhead.
I think I'm going to switch to drinking liquor primarily instead of beer, but frankly my taste in hard alcohol is pretty basic. I wish there were some smaller pubs that are a closer walk my place. Plenty of regular "bars" (bar is in quotations because when referring to bars here it usually means brothel, now what Americans think of when they hear the word "bar") but I hate going those places by myself, and all my friends are being fucking lame. I kinda wanna go out and get smashed tonight but I'm hesitant to do it myself.
I didn't say everything has to be a dick-swinging contest. Men simply don't belong at showers, just like they don't belong at Mary Kay parties. It's akward, it's stupid, and it's just one more step in the emasculation of the modern male. If I ever attend a baby/wedding shower, I 100% guaranfuckingtee this is how it will end.
I'd slap you with a thousand cocks if I had that many cocks at my disposal. You're in Germany, ground zero for the beer movement, one of the only countries with a Beer Purity LAW. Yet, you wish to switch to liquor. Sure, Germans have schnapps, but most of that stuff is pure lighter fluid that only smells like sweet pears. Drink the beer. It's not that fattening. The locals will also respect you more. If I was in your place I'd be doing naked backstrokes in the Spaten fermentation tanks.
Why does this only work from the woman's point of view? I hope that if I get married my wife will know enough that I wouldn't want to go to these things and leave me out of it. Just like if she doesn't like training, I wouldn't make her go to the gym. Every time I hear basically "well she appreciated the fact that I did something shitty just to make her happy" it sets my teeth on edge because I'd figure it goes both ways and if she loves me she wouldn't want me to waste my afternoon on what, to me, is banal bullshit. You almost never hear (or at least I don't) women complain that her boyfriend or husband made her go somewhere she didn't want to go.
I'm proud to be a non-castrated man. My balls are not in my wife's purse, I pee standing up and leave the toilet seat in the raised position ( I had to lift it, you can put it down), I don't run away and hide everytime I have to fart ( I also use the word "fart", not "pass gas" or any other feminized version of the process), I still open doors for women, handicap and elderly, and shake hands firmly (not like holding a dead fish). I say "please" and "thank-you" and watch my language around women and small children. I am a man
My favourite part of my relationship is not having to be proud of not being a controlling cunt or being embarrassed about being a doormat. We're just human beings coexisting like civilized people... who occasionally clatter genitals at one another. t-minus 15 hours to my flight to Montego Bay. Words cannot express my excitement. Spoiler Catch ya later, fuckers. Try not to burn down the internet while I'm gone.
Anybody know of anywhere cool to go in Athens, GA? I've been before, but never for the whole weekend, just the game.
The University of Georgia reports to be a cool place. You might could try there. I think the Clattering Genitals may be playing there at the I Felta Thigh house.
I'm not sure why you people do things you don't want to do. My favorite thing about being an adult is being able to do what I want to do. I also have the ability to say no. Because of this my life is awesome. People at work told me life goes down hill after you get married. No more all nighters, no more strippers, no more golf every weekend, etc. I explained to them that when this happens I would file for divorce. Why would anyone marry someone that wouldn't let you be who you wanted to be?
I've got $5 I'll contribute to the study if you want to investigate, Juice. Only stipulation is that you can't shit on the study participants.