During my trip, in addition to being in West Virginia, I saw my buddy in Cleveland. The only worthwhile thing there is Great Lakes Brewery which is world class, the rest of the city, again, is completely unremarkable. In fact, I think the only thing worth noting about the city is that the Castro guy lived there with his captives. My buddy doesn't mind it though, he's making 6 figures at 27, he's doing well.
I really liked The Rock And Roll HOF but you can blow through it in three hours. And it was completely overcast--in July-- the whole day we were there. Three things I like about Cleveland: Nine Inch Nails, Jane's Addiction and the movie Major League took place there.
This is how Fantasy Football/first college Saturdays are done folks. I don't break it out often enough but I built this tank about 10 years ago or better. Every time we use it I end up blabbering drunk so I think I better get some draft software. I don't need to suffer the over the time limit, mispronounced name, already drafted player shot penalties. Tomorrow is going to hurt. Badly.
Its ok though, a lot of girls in Indiana are fat anyway. However, if you're in Bloomington the girls are pretty hot. All my siblings graduated from IU so I know what I'm talking about. Oh yea, and on my massive trip from San Diego to WV we stopped in Indy for about 4 nights. Fun fact about Indiana, Notre Dame is there. I'm sure many more people than most care to know didn't know that.
Hey people, serious question: Would you date a woman who worked as a clown for kids parties? I'm just asking hypothetically; it's not like I actually know a cute single woman who does that or anything...
Absolutely. But then again, my major fetish is having my penis tied into the shape of a cat. So far the best I've managed alone is snake.
Well, let me ask you a few serious questions: Would you enjoy ending up in 26 different Gladware containers? Would you like to wake up attached to one of those spinning knife-throwing boards? Do you want your son to be so traumatized that his hair turns white and he winds up in the nut hut? These are things you should ask yourself before dating a fucking clown.
In the intrests of science, I googled "hot clown chicks". Here's a representation of what that search returned: Yeah I'm not seeing a lot to work with here. My Dixie's clowngirl is a blowjob master or something.