That makeup could hide a multitude of sins: wrinkles, facial scars, gin blossoms, tears, bruises, meth sores, syphilis lesions...
No, this girl wasn't wearing makeup when I met her, and she has really nice skin. Hypothetical girl, I mean...
Aaaand Hooker wins the prize for most misleading avatar. Lately I've been seriously thinking about growing a beard like the dude in the picture, because beards are awesome and why not.
I feel like every dude friend I have right now has one of these beards. It's like I'm living out an episode of Duck Dynasty. At first I was disgusted by them. Now I braid them and tie beads and other fun things into them.
It's not like Dixie met her as a clown. Apart from the clown creepiness though, should her career decisions be questioned? Not that I can talk, I'm just a bartender.
I made the mistake of going to an outdoor mall near us because I wanted another pair of yoga pants that I love and that I can wear to work. Big mistake. Cars were 20 deep turning into it, I went to a different entrance, did one loop around and left. There must have been at least 50 cars looking for spots. I refuse to be one of those creepy people that follow people back to their cars and then still have to battle it out with another person for the spot. I figured I would just go back later. I did, and they didn't even have them. I consoled myself by buying another jacket I don't need. Some women love shoes, I seem to be drawn towards jackets. But hey, it's a different color! Tomorrow we are heading out to the sticks for a family picnic. Always a fun, and interesting, time. Just wish it was closer. I will wear my new jacket. Already worth it.
I am guessing this was an error in arm movement, and not the hurling of said bottle across the venue.
This. Syria is a "real world problem." We may be "the idiot board" but this is also, in the midst of real world crisis -- such as, in the past, Egypt -- where I got the majority of my unbiased news from. Imo this is a comical board with some brutally honest undertones, and I believe, in my opinion, the board would be failing on those undertones if we didn't allow people to opine on Syria.
Tomorrow, my wife and I begin trying to start a family. I know I should be nervous, but instead tonight I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting on Santa (she told me "you better jack off tonight to make sure your sperm is fresh"... hellooooo porn!!!) Finances? Check. Old Navy credit card? Check. Good "female doctor"? check?... Plenty of alcohol for me? Plenty of checks!!!