Speaking of family reunions, went to a memorial anniversary for my friend's dad yesterday. Less a memorial, more of a family reunion thing. There was a 6 year old that was out of control. She called this one dude fat, ugly, and smelly without a hint of sarcasm, with no hint of teasing. She then climbed out of the pool and pissed in the fucking hot tub just because. I swear she just wanted to ruin someone else's good time. That girl was the fucking devil and how do you call a kid on something like that? Especially when the mother doesn't care. It's not like you can argue with the devil's own design. Right before I left she announced she was locking all the doors from the porch so we'd be stuck outside. I wasn't even mad. Just impressed she put so much effort into being a monster. In 10 years she is going to put some hapless bastard in jail.
I call those kids "birth control". My kids' school switched companies that we use to pay for school lunches and I need their IDs to register them. I texted my oldest (she's at work) and asked what is her school ID. She responded, "it's an ID I have for school." Did I step in a scene from Airplane!? Does she really think I don't know what an ID is? I just texted back no kidding and that I need her number. We went to my aunt's yesterday for our family picnic. It was lots of fun as usual, saw the cousins and cousins' kids. My uncle with Parkinson's was getting around better than I remembered and the food was great. Although at one point as I'm eyeing it up I realized we had potato salad, macaroni salad, mac and cheese, and a dish with noodles, mashed potatoes and cheese on top (it was delicious!)--both the onion and non-onion kind. How we aren't all morbidly obese I have no idea.
Welp, they've announced who will be playing Christian Grey in the 50 Shades of Grey film adaptation. Spoiler
So he's going to ruin a movie adaptation of a crappy book like he ruined a TV show with his overacting?
The theatre will be so full of the buzzing of vibrators, you won't even need to worry about listening to the dialogue.
So it will be just like the Dora the Explorer movie? That globe trotting whore. I really think this board should collaborate on an erotica novel. Twerking, peehole violation, pickle jars, and slowly gyrating black folks. We can call it "9 and 1/2 Inches." I can already see the reviews. "Never before has there been so much violent anal in a literary work. And that's the first chapter."
she's from IA city, so i'm guessing she was just trying to forget that she goes to one of the most overrated state schools ever. we used to go there to party for a night back in college, and while it seemed fun for about 2 hours, we always ended up leaving early simply because slurring chubby girls get annoying.
I'm pretty sure it isn't overrated. I've never been there, and I'm fairly certain that it's not a shining beacon of research, education or even fun. I knew one girl from Iowa City and she was a pothead bc that's all there was to do growing up, apparently.
So, I know I very rarely post here, but always enjoy reading the threads. After a long walk with the little Striding Man, Mrs. Striding Man & a adult beverage for us, little ones asleep, the tenderloins are about done on the grill & the wife just brought me another beer. Happy Labor Day to all the American idiots and happy Monday to the rest of ya! I'm out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
Yeah, and Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith's daughter is playing Stupid McWhatsherface, who basically nobody knows. You have to love Nepotism. Not only is it a guaranteed way of becoming famous-- no matter how void of talent you are-- it is now the ONLY way of becoming famous (aside being from Australia). Like so:
I'll give you that nepotism is pretty pervasive in Hollywood, but how much stroke do Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith really have? I think both of them fell off the A List a long time ago.
Antonio "The Sexy" Banderas is her father-in-law. That accent alone would will any producer into hiring her. You cannot resist The Sexy.